Martin Shkreli buying domain names of people who write about him

So is joining this site just to defend him.


Welcome to BBS! I’m into llamas, pies (pizza and fruit only), computers, and genealogy. Other than Martin Shkreli, what are you into? This is a great place for sharing.


There’s kind of a resemblance.

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Thanks you proving my point that Obamacare is divorced from Rx prices - something you had tied together with your conspiracy theory that you are now floundering to prove. This is how I know you don’t care, you didn’t even read the “source” you are providing after your google search.


Yeh, you tell 'em!

Martin Shkreli only personally made the decision to increase the price of Daraprim by 5600% because the media made him do it! Just like how Charles Manson killed a bunch of people for personal gain because he saw that one violent movie and everyone else was doing it, too!

He’s absolutely “a dime bag dealer” and not “directly, personally culpable for the willful decision to grease his own, already-greasy pockets at the expense of people with a terminal illness, some of whom will actually die as a result of his decision to maximise his own, personal profits, and then go on TV to laugh about it.”

Not only was he totally not doing that, if he had been doing that it would have only been because literally everyone else in the pharmaceutical industry was doing exactly the same thing. To AIDS patients. For exactly 56 times as much profit as they would have been, had everyone else not been doing it too.

Anyone who thinks that people are ultimately responsible for their own actions has clearly never been a multimillionaire down to their last yacht and struggling to get by.

Damn that liberal media and the pharmaceutical industry for making sure that all patented medicine is always increased in price by 56 times as soon as a new person gets​ the rights to a patent!

I heard that Rachel Maddow and Shkreli’s bosses wanted to go for a 5700% markup. I’m not saying he’s basically a saint for taking a stand and making sure that people with AIDS could get access to the antivirals they needed by only charging a 5600% markup but does anyone know the process to get someone canonised these days?


Cultist? CULTIST?!?!

I simply BEG your PARDON, sir!


We may be Marxists here, but cultist is taking it a bit far.



Martin Shkreli is basically a hero. He could have pushed that orphan down the stairs and then kept going down the line of orphans. But he stopped at four.


I reviewed the website you referenced. It provides no justification for a claim that a conviction of Martin Shkreli for fraud will result in an increase in healthcare costs. Care to provide some, or should we take your comment for the bullshit of a random person on a burner?

Edit: Oh yeah, I actually came here to post this, possibly my 13 year old’s favorite video of the last month.


I forgot all about Stingy. I hope Sporticus can put him in his place.

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What, exactly is your problem with meat pies?

You monster.


I’m a vegetarian. So it’s not really a problem, per se, I just don’t eat them.


Ah. I see. Fair enough.

/slopes off in embarrassment having not considered the obvious option


There’s several inconsistencies in your argument.

First, the access argument has been debunked on several occasions. Nobody has died from indigence; the media would have an absolute field day if someone did and you would see decrepit faces plastered all over the internet. I challenge you to find a death that is directly the result of Shkreli raising the price. Stated in congressional testimony by Shkreli’s COO: “Anyone that can’t afford the drug gets it for free.”

How is he greasing his pockets at the expense of people with a terminal illness if he’s giving the drug away to people without insurance? He’s charging the hell out of corporations and insurance plans with deep pockets.

The pharmaceutical industry is a lot worse than Shkreli. Shkreli took advantage of a unique situation that can’t be replicated. I could provide you with tons of data clearly illustrating that the big pharma is ripping you off. Shkreli’s market share is insignificant.

Why do you want me to justify my purpose for being here? What’s your purpose? Are you promoting cynicism? I stumbled on this page yesterday. I’m pissed off about the tax penalties I have to pay as a result of not having health insurance and this is helping me vent my frustration. I think we can all agree that we’re getting screwed and the fact that there is so much misinformation out there really bothers me.

Did you stop reading after you found a sentence that reinforced your position? Obamacare is not at arms length from Rx prices or “divorced” as you would say. So you’re telling me that after PhARMA spent billions on getting the ACA legislation passed, that there is no nexus between the two? Hahahaha

From the article posted above: “The Obama administration has few ways of confronting drug costs — and critics of the 2009 health law deal say it tied their hands.” In essence, PhARMA erected a legislative firewall around themselves.


Because you seem like a paid shill who signed up here to astroturf, not an actual good faith member of the site.