Megachurch pastor struggles to defend $200,000 Lamborghini purchase

Look, if a Lamborghini doesn’t require constant maintenance it isn’t as much of an “I rolling in dough” signal.

The ideal rich person car would basically require a mechanic/stablehand.


Weirdly the highest density of italian supercars I have seen was along the Oregon Coast.

No, since Lamborghini has only petrol fueled engines. And they don’t source engines from the rest of VW group. Actually is the converse: some high end Audi (R10 if I remember well) use Lamborghini engines.

@Michael_R_Smith not many Italians can afford them. I would say it is easier to see a Ferrari, but for both most cars are exported, the domestic market is very minor

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It’s not a sports car, it’s a damned SUV! You can not only kill yourself by hitting the throttle too hard, it has enough mass and bulk to take out several other drivers at the same time.


Matt Taibbi on Joel Osteen -

“Of all the vile, fake, lying-ass, money-grubbing shyster scumbags on the face of this planet, there is perhaps none more loathsome than Osteen, a human haircut with plastic baseball-size teeth who has made a fortune selling the appalling only-in-America idea that terrestrial greed is actually a form of Christian devotion.”


Pretty sure that the original preacher-man that they’re supposed to emulate just walked everywhere with his followers.

Just sayin’…


So it could probably keep up with my $10,000 bike.


I refuse to believe we live in a reality where there’s a pastor named Creflo Dollar who claims Jesus wants him to buy a private jet.

AFAIK, that’s exactly the reason.


We don’t live for people! We live for God!

If money isn’t the root of all evil, this attitude surely is.


The utter Stupidity STUPIDITY of people to give a fuck like that their money. Those struggling to make ends meet, while a fuck and his wife live in luxury. Then claim it in the name of Jesus. Jesus was never lavish in His approach to life. Stop immediately giving your money to fuck wad no good preachers like that.


I’ll admit, I find it fascinating/horrifying. It may be the most naked conversion of a human attribute into dollars possible.

“I am charismatic. Give me money.”

Even physical strength has to threaten action, and brains actually has to do something in order to be of worth.

I try to look at the upside. A few thousand years ago, the natural position of people like this would be God-King of their city state, so at least raw charisma isn’t nearly as powerful as it used to be.


The Ferrari 458 fires were caused by Ferrari using the wrong adhesive in the wheel arch which would melt and catch fire under normal use. Those fires didn’t need the help that some owners would have inevitably given.


There are plenty of charismatic people wasting it on their couches, or using it just to delight their children and friends though. And challenging as it may be to accept, it does seem that charisma of some kind is the only thing sustaining and driving any success Donald Trump has had, and we know he’d go full God-King given the opportunity…


Most of the classic Ferraris, Maseratis and Lamborghinis were built by communists too. I don’t know if there is a connection between that and the reliability of a luxury item almost exclusively bought by the 0.1%.


I mean, the prosperity gospel goes back to Calvin, yeah? So it’s a branch of christanity, but most certainly not the whole of it.


They are soaking in a culture that privileges money and wealth over our common humanity. It’s hard to rise above that. The whole culture needs to change if we expect people who are desperate not to do stuff that doesn’t make sense.


Actually my Traxxas Jato 3.3 can beat that thing off the go. :wink:

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It’s not even a sports utility vehicle. You’d have to have small kids playing sports that didn’t require any equipment.

eta: And they probably ride with Hitler anyway.


You’re right you can find sects who preach this sort of thing to varying degrees. The majority don’t. And these gluttonous megachurches, which have waaaay more to do with a cult of personality than actual Christianity, are a tiny sliver of the minority of overall Christians. Certainly way to small to make the statement “This is Christianity now.” true. For every mega church you have a thousands of “regular” ones.