New law requires Florida universities to survey students about their political views to promote "intellectual diversity"

Yes, & he can’t arrive there soon enough.

Which is why Sunday School exists.
Get 'em while they are young.

Yeah, that might give people the idea that they’ve been lied to all their lives…

Of course it wouldn’t. According to Prosperity Gospel, they are wealthy because they have been smiled on by almighty gawd, & poor people deserve their fate… otherwise, they would be rich, too.

Given how far to the right that politics has lurched over the past 40+ years, normal would seem an appropriate term.

Probably because they agree with him.
Assholes alllll the way down…
Texas is no better, except when they reach rock-bottom, they don’t use shovels to keep digging, they use back-hoes.
You left us too soon, Molly Ivins…

Ordained Dudeist Priest.

I, for one, just hate it when people masticate at the dinner table…

EDIT: tyop


Registering guns is not needed, as they are not dangerous, you see. They are just tools.

Ideas are dangerous; their holders should be registered.


Oh no! More conservatives going to college!
THAT won’t spectacularly backfire.

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So… everyone is required to registe to vote, then.
Seems easy enough.


That is actually a problem in that culture. A good first-year at that age and stage of their life should strongly belief their parents are barely conscious morons and that everybody over 30 is dead from the neck up.

It is not (always…) true of course, but is a healthy starting point of adult life :slight_smile:

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They’re not mutually exclusive. Unpacking one’s upbringing and assumptions takes longer to manifest than simple adolescent rebellion against authority.


Just ask Tommy Curry how that all goes. Heaven forbid you tell folks that the difference between a live and a dead black community, post-Civil-War, was as simple as an armed or unarmed one.

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I think they are pretty open about that. The iron rice bowl has been withdrawn.


It seems to me that, at some point, the CCP realized, “We cannot achieve Communism until our country is rich…” (a la Deng Xiaoping)

Then, at a later point, they thought to themselves, “Now that we’re rich, who needs actual Communism?” (a la Wen Jiabao)


The thing about that is that, per gapminder, they raised their expected age of death - a measurable outcome of public health and nutrition - up to Western standards while income was less than half that of the West.

select China and run the animation.


The we in “Now that we’re rich” isn’t referring to the country as a whole, only the CCP.



Though I often wonder what impact a letter from an organisation like the New Chaucer Society or the Shakespeare Society has on lawmakers and uni administrators.
We’re currently going through a similar thing in archaeology where the arch department in Sheffield is threatened with closure after a review of the department that the uni admin conducted under false pretences and the minutes of which they destroyed despite being obligated to keep them. There is a petition going that 50,000 people around the world have signed and all the relevant national and international scholarly and professional organisations have published statements about how important and unique the department is. And yet I wonder how much impact that will have on a government and an admin who both are hell bent on destroying large swathes of the humanities (for different reasons).

Just to reiterate: I’m saying this kind of support is absolutely vital and the fight in Florida must definitely go on.

ETA: I hope this doesn’t come across as trying to be contrary; it’s just something that’s on my mind recently, owing to the situation in Sheffield


Fair point!


Only if you are not a woman of childbearing years.

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The students could just claim to be Born-again Trumpists, and then go about their merry way organizing leftist events, and deny everything if questioned about their activities, and accuse their accusers of being Anti-fa.

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Seems like a plan to grant diversity scholarships to politically conservative white people.

edited to add: Which of course means that once that starts people will lie like a rug to attempt to get in.


For the record, UF has also been silent so far.

It reminds me of the red-scare era leftover “pledge to not overthrow the US government” requirement that still existed in NY circa 2013.


This is another classic example of a poorly thought out law. The only way to gauge the political leanings of students, faculty and staff is through surveys. The First Amendment will not allow them to force compliance with surveys, and a voluntary response rate of 50% would be nothing short of miraculous. And that’s assuming that people don’t just lie their asses off, which they can and will.


Also a malicious one. We frequently pose a choice when describing a piece of GOP legislation as “evil or incompetent?”, when very often it’s both.