No-masker arrested at supermarket can't stop scolding cops who handcuff and arrest her

I was thinking, “how many Americans are addicted to opioids at this point?” She does not put off the sober vibe, and I say this as someone who is experienced in these realms.

I was thinking about this the other day, and tend to agree. Although I will say – in this case, her name is actually Karen, so maybe this time… :wink:


Is it wrong for me to suggest that – except for the slurring – it would’ve been very satisfying to see/hear the late Patti Deutsch impersonating the suspect?

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All Karens are assholes. Not all assholes are Karens

I don’t love the gendered implications of the term, but having a term is very useful here. This is specific to white people weaponizing their privilege to throw temper tantrums. It’s more specific than “being a jerk”. It’s also deeply saddening that this so common that we need a word for it.


The occasional punching-up in agreeing on a nickname for privileged white women who weaponize their privilege against others does not give you license to revel in negative stereotypes about other groups of women.


I’m gonna go out on a limb here and suggest she usually wears her fuckwit on the outside.


Why would you need a separate version for Asian women?

Just call them karens.


There is a male equivalent. A Ken.

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She absolutely wanted to be arrested so she could post the video of her being “suppressed” and “sue the fuck out of” the cops arresting her.

They should have arrested her ratlicker ass for one count of attempted murder for everyone in the store at the time plus one for every cop who had to deal with her.

I’m sick and tired of entitled dipshits like her who are why we can’t have nice things.

I’m sorry I posted that. I was wrong. I will delete the post.


Sorry Karen


I’m not an expert in addiction so not diagnosing anyone. But she sure did remind me of the pharmacology addict I once lived with. The slurring. The child like logic. Sing song phrases repeated like a talisman. Wild and sudden changes in tactic to get what they want. Being physically functional while in a twilight mental state does not work out well.


In the meantime, cops tase, pepper spray, and throw to the ground Black pre-adolescents.


Let’s just say that she was born lucky.


What was frustrating for me was,

  1. There were at least a dozen times in that video when, by precedent, they should have used a taser, pepper spray, or takedown to force her compliance, yet they didn’t.
  2. They kept engaging with her, as if that was doing any good at all. Read her her rights and put her in the car. Talking, nay debating law with her is just giving her ammo on social media and/or in her trial. Besides, how hard is it to pronounce trespassing.
    3.If she’s got a purse wrapped around her, don’t uncuff her. They have seat belt slitters in the car as standard equipment in case they need to remove someone from a burning or sinking vehicle. Slit the strap and move on.

I have heard the term of art is “Kyle” or “Brett.”

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I don’t know about “brett” but “kyles” are not the same thing as karens.

A karen is someone so used to being unfairly catered to that they are taken aback and outraged by having rules enforced on them. When they suddenly don’t get special treatment for being well off, or white, or whatever else. It’s about the attitude of entitlement shattering on the rocks of common decency.

A kyle I have only ever seen used to refer to an emotionally disregulated man-boy. The kind of guy who will get so upset about losing at League of Legends he punches a hole in his room’s drywall. The kind of person who throws adult tantrums and has no mechanisms to soothe themselves, or the self awareness to recognize they are getting wound up and disengage from the ting that’s tormenting them.


Ken is offered as another option, per this article in The Stranger:

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Maybe I’m just spinning my wheels here. But it seems to me that insisting on a male-name for the phenomenon, to use with men, makes the whole thing even more pointlessly gendered than just calling everyone who’s a karen a karen regardless of gender or sex.