No-masker arrested at supermarket can't stop scolding cops who handcuff and arrest her

Thank you. Everyone makes mistakes…learning from them and doing better is what matters.


Right? Kid glove treatment the whole way. Two Americas, on display.


It means she thinks she’s a protected class.

Why aren’t cops wearing N95 masked when being called out to deal with maskless idiots? Those cloth strips are doing nothing except protect the perp from the cops’ potential viruses.

Video like this should be required watching as part of police training. Not because the police here behaved especially well, but because comedy gold like this should help to persuade the police to have their body cams turned on.


I like the video from a few months ago that had an antimasker being pulled out by his own grown son when he made a fuss.

Asshole that refuses to wear a mask is not a protected class.

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My thought exactly. I have a pair of kick-ass garage scissors that would have made easy work out of that Karen strap.


This is typical for Berea, an almost-affluent white suburb where entitled assholes and cops who are excessively nice only to certain demographics are both common.

That accent makes my head hurt. I don’t know if it’s common to anywhere else, but there’s a lot of it in 25-60 year old females in the southwest suburbs of Cleveland, and the minute I hear it, I know there’s going to be a confrontation somewhere, starting with the phrase “Excuse me?!?!?”


And there IS something satisfying in the way their fragile sense of masculinity is even more punctured by being tagged with a traditionally female name. It makes their tears of rage even tastier.


This goes to prove that they can be this patient. This level of patience, de-escalation and using force only as a last resort should be the norm, not something that gets posted online for its notability.


They should embrace it.

(not an endorsement of the inherent toxic masculinity)

The problem isn’t that it is uncommon. The problem is that we need it 100% of the time, not 70% or whatever the current percentage is.

Yeah, I don’t get why more people don’t bring up the “no shirt, no shoes, no service” thing in these interactions (not here on bbs, but in the in-person stuff).
There haven’t been roving hoards of idiots storming shops, shoeless, to defend their “rights.” If you’re shopping shoeless and asked to leave, you generally leave. :woman_shrugging:t2:


If anyone else needs to be arrested, it should be the designer of that hideous monstrosity of a sweater.

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tl;dr: “Serves the public” = Her servants.

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The way she was flailing, scissors or a knife would have ended up in her or the officer. The beauty of the seat belt slitters is that there’s no way to stick someone with them and it’s almost impossible to even cut someone with them. But they’ll go through anything flat and fabric like butter.


I think you have pretty much summed up the proposition here… to be a woman, perhaps drunk and being a fuckwit - in a moment - requires folk to comment and discuss how much of a ‘Karen’ you are!?

Keep your powder dry for the bigger comment section battles I say!

She certainly seems drunk. You can see the wheels turning very slowly as she tries to put together her sentences. And the linchpin of her position—

“What is the federal law that prevents me from wearing a face mask?”


Good thing she wasn’t 9 years old—they may have had to body slam her when she pulled her hand away.


As someone who worked in a coffee shop near a university, I can assure you this is sadly not the case.


9 years old aaaaaand…