Now we know what Grimes saw in Elon

The very idea that there is such a thing as “white culture” is inherently racist. Hot tip for Grimes, if you do not like being called a nazi stop spreading nazi ideas such as connecting race with culture.


Don’t forget about the Moops.

My kids introduced me, and it’s wonderful.


Yeah, she wasn’t a non-entity. Gollabs with Poppy, Janelle Monáe, Bring Me the Horizon, etc.
Maybe not Top 40, but definitely had a notable reputation within indie pop circles. I know I was pleasantly surprised when I noticed that she did Hilda’s soundtrack.

She’s a competent musician; it clearly doesn’t extend much to intellectual depth.

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I think she was always headed towards fascism -

You’d hope it was some weird Thin White Duke (Bowie) phase that she’d then move away from hard (as Bowie did) but looks like she’s all in… Anyway, she’s no Bowie, so pretty easily ignored from here.


FWIW, I’m pretty sure she’s said that song is the one inspired by her having been assaulted.


Ok sure the lyrics sound like that… but turn the sound off and watch at say 2:30 and you’ve got something pretty damn weird… lotta skinhead vibes.

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Hey, the simple fact that she was with him in the first place indicates a certain lack of critical thinking ability. This BB post simply fills us in who barely registered that she existed. I for example learned through this that she’s supposedly a singer for Genesis.


Ah. Okay, I can continue ignoring her and not listen to whatever song she sang. Hell, I managed to avoid Taylor Swift in my little indie lo-fi cocoon until now.


Taylor Swift kicks ass :muscle:


Oh, no doubt! I just have an aging Gen X hipster’s aversion to all things that land on heavy rotation. I fully respect her sincere social streak combined with canny business acumen. And apparently her music makes people happy, so there’s that.

Unlike this Grimes person.


Given what @anon15383236 said about this being about her assault, I’m pretty sure it’s meant to be lampooning masculine culture (hence the locale at the football game and bike race). :woman_shrugging:


…And the traditional topless locker room mosh pit.

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Or maybe it’s in part about turning the male gaze back on itself? :woman_shrugging: How many stupid rock videos (or hip hop videos) are full of barely dressed women grinding for the camera? There is an endless supply of those, and we wonder why women can’t have a moments peace from the time we turn about 14 or so to until we’re “too old” to be sexy in the minds of many men… and also why women who write music often talk about sexual assault… maybe it’s how we regularly weighed and measured by how men feel about us sexually rather than giving two shits about us as people?


You know if i make a list I really don’t like Grimes.

I didn’t like her faux feminist vagina toys, or her appropriation or drug free/sober clubbing, or her other appropriations. I don’t really like her music, her message, or her branding. I don’t like her obsequious confused toxic relationship or how she speaks about her children.

I think, maybe… Grimes is just yet another miserable narcissist celebrity I’d be happier not hearing about.


Mediate The Muppets GIF by ABC Network



really, there’s no requirement that fascists lack critical thinking skills. she might simply have liked his “white values.” or, maybe he helped “radicalize” her. who knows.

the main thing is:

what makes people fascists is that they’re fascists. that’s a choice they make. she can choose to do better any time she wants.


Spot On Doctor Who GIF by BBC America


In my experience, the parents in these dysfunctional pseudo-dynastic kinda families very rarely raise their children in any way that most would understand the term. Unfortunately, that doesn’t mean someone psychologically safer, or even anyone at all, fills that gap. I don’t know much about Elon’s relationship with his own father but if I were to guess? “Kinda complicated”

(Only first two lines relevant but I like the song)


every day I think fondly of the brown king Cyrus the Great who invented the first ever empire, and the Japanese icon Murasaki Shikibu who wrote the first novel ever

Is this the new “how often do men think about the roman empire?”