NYT's horrifying video of hateful Trump rally attendees

I would not think so. I put gay marriage in the same category as abolition of slavery, more of a general forward progress of mankind.


let’s get together sometime and reminisce about tomorrow.

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Seriously? You’re trying to figure out how dubbing silly things over snippets of Trump speaking is different from someone shouting ‘Get these n******s out of our country’?

Try harder.


Yeah, I was being somewhat silly. But… there are always greatly varying opinions about what is reasonable and what is crazy fringe stuff.

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Well no, they do have a better reason, even though they’re angry at the wrong source. Trump taps into their sense that in an economic sense, their lives aren’t as good as they would be if things were different, nor as good as they used to be. The standard of living for working and middle class white Americans has been steadily declining for decades, even under Democratic administrations, resulting in justified anger.

Trump uses the tried and true political method of divide and conquer, channeling their justified anger into an unjustified, scapegoating rage at “illegal aliens” and Muslims. Like the Brexit vote, Trump’s popularity is largely a result of conditions wrought by the giant neoliberal vacuum that’s sucking ever more wealth upward. And it’s true that the U.S. should heed the warning of Brexit – it/he could happen here! – but it sucks that if Clinton is elected, her administration will just continue fostering the conditions that create misdirected-anger phenomena like the Donald and the Brexit.


I was thinking along the same lines. If only so one can find a little humor in this fucked up situation.

Exactly right. I contribute cash and time to several organizations devoted to helping those who have suffered hardship. Just last month I spent two four-day weekends helping in cleanup after the West Virginia floods.

But I view it as a personal responsibility. I don’t hector others about their obligations, nor do I insist that they be forced to contribute as I do. And I don’t view my actions as driven by the need to expiate my low melanin content.

I’m not going to sit through that again but I think it was “the culture I grew up in.” In hindsight he might have meant less video games and porn, but in the context of the rest of the video, it came off as a culture that was pre-hip hop; pre-“press 1 for English” etc. Maybe all of the above.

Meanwhile, here’s a film (not a documentary, per se, but also not a fictional TV show) that actually precedes all of those.


Much as I love the kitty with the beanie, if you need an actual answer to your question, it’s a derogatory slur for someone from Mexico…because beans (black, pinto, red, etc.) are a staple in the cuisine.


Neither were the 50s.

What they have in common is that they were “40 years ago”, which seems to be a key concept in conservatism.


With the way some of these Trumpets talk, it seems they’d prefer to wind the clock back **1**40 years.


OK, so for the first month of the campaign, we had comments about Trump’s hair. Then about his orange ‘glow’. Then about his hands. Then about the lies. Then the misunderestimations. Then about the backtracking. Then about the denials. Then about the…

How has this improved the discussion, the polity, the divisive American political system? How has this had ANY effect on Trump’s steamroller campaign or on the Mainstream Media’s coverage of Trump and on their insistence on providing millions and millions of dollars of absolutely free advertising to Trump?

None at all.

So now, since THAT’s worked so well, it’s onto doing the same with the Trump supporters. Except this time, it’s got the extra added goodness of a smug, self-satisfied “look at how stupid, racist, uneducated, illogical, poor, rich, and/or white these cretins are.”

Yep. That’s guaranteed to work, this time.

Of course, come November 16th, you’ll be able to blame all those people who voted for Trump, not the DNC’s conniving, two-faced, disloyal, constant betrayal of the working class and of the middle class, whose primary job is “catering to their wealthiest supporters.”

Of course, you’ll still wonder how you’all managed to lose the election, despite all your smugnesss. One the other hand, you’ll be safe in the knowledge that, at least, you’re not those people, eh.

/ FFS, locking out and colluding against the DNC candidate which, polls had shown over and over, had the best chance at beating Trump?


My ancestors came here from Europe. England and Poland, to be exact. So, I will always be called white. I can’t escape that label.

Yet I am NOT one of the white bastards in that video. I will never own that identity. Those people are sick and deluded. They’re just barely registering as human, the worst side of any of us.


I can’t speak for others here on BB, but I don’t feel smug watching these videos. I feel pained by the fact that those in other countries will see this and think that they’re ‘typical Americans’. I feel worried for those who might be the next target of their vitriol. I feel anxious from the fact that these people vote and will do so likely in droves come November. And I will feel terrified if Trump wins for all of these reasons and many more.

Anyone who feels smug watching these videos—and I think you’ll agree—needs to fuck off and introspect a while.


So Trump is definitely going to win?

The people who vote for Trump no matter what he says are a lost cause, as this video shows-- do you honestly think any of them would have voted for Bernie in the general election?

I get your point, the DNC has problems, but I personally don’t think that will keep enough liberal voters away from the polls to ensure a Trump win, we’re more rational than that. In fact this video might ensure a lot more liberals go to the polls, just to keep Trump out of the White House. This video isn’t about smugness, it’s about horror, and reminding people what we’re up against-- choose Hillary with all her imperfections, or choose mob rules.


is anyone really shocked by this?


And, along with all of those, I feel saddened that humanity can be so easily brought to this state.


I think 240 is closer to the mark.


Careful now…


But, why don’t those economic conditions cause women, or Latinos, or Muslims to become racist idiots who vote against their own self-interest?

I get what you’re saying, and I agree that neo-liberalism–or whatever you want to call it–is simply screwing over the bottom 90%, regardless of party. But economic injustice isn’t what drives Trump’s supporters; it’s racism, pure and simple.