Oregon domestic terrorists now destroying public property in earnest

Apparently the FBI has hotel rooms in the area booked through March.

I’m sure there is a lot of stuff going on behind the scenes we can only guess at. A good mental game is to think of what you would do if you were the FBI. I can think of a lot of sneaky things, like using their own paranoia against them.


ha ha … he was relying on the government to plow that road for him & they didn’t. He should have brought his own shovel if he didn’t recognize the authority of the government plow.

(yeah, I know, county vs. federal, but somehow I don’t think there is a level of government authority they’d be happy with)


Makes me think about a cheap design of stealth-ish glider drones with high payload capacity. A DIY version of the Berlin Airlift.

A nice set of interesting technological challenges. From inexpensive guidance system to large open-frame 3d printer or resin casting rig for making the airframe components…

Or maybe a catapult/ballista version, with impact-hardened payload.

…because in today’s unstable world you never know when “our guys” will need something like that.

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Cut off the power. Stop the deliveries and let them starve to death.

Or a smart bomb. They’d be martyrs for all of 5 minutes and the news would go back to the elections

On the title pages, yes. It won’t last long there.

But the legacy in the circles where you don’t want it will last for decades. One word: Waco.


Eh, it’ll depend I guess. Given that he was driving without a license, I think it’s safe to assume that there’s no reason he couldn’t, you know, lie about his identity. If the officer didn’t know the guy’s face, then I can totally see this mistake being made.

Arrest Ammon Bundy and the armed occupiers of the Malheur Wildlife Refuge.


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I am in no way involved (heck, I live in Munich), but my guess is that Waco and Ruby Ridge still are scars that the feds are loathe to reopen. So my other hunch is that letting them act like assholes lets everyone see that they are assholes and undermines their support.


Well, “fool me once…”-- I’d say the authorities are wary of making martyrs, but at the same time they have probably learned from last year’s encounter that just letting scofflaws get away only encourages them more; failure to act last year led to this protest.

The situation is also different, now they are occupying actual buildings and rifling through files and equipment, whereas last year it was just a standoff over a patch of open range. Plus, very few locals want these guys here.

Maybe the government won’t do anything, but if I had to put money on it I’d say this time they do something.


Where’s that cruise ship virus when you need it?


Why is anyone listening to Lamestream media ? The pic of the road I see is a muddy dirt road with two people walking/ bending down. Could be anybody.

Do you have proof they are vandalizing artifacts ?
There are THREE sides to every story…His side, her side and the TRUTH.



The photo’s from a person on the ground there posting to Twitter about what these tools are doing.

Well, there’s photos and multiple direct witness accounts from reliable sources, so no. No proof. Just the lame stream media attacking these liberty warriors defending their constitutional freedom to trash a National Park’s visitor’s center in the pursuit of unmanaged liberty logging. That’s what you wanted to hear, right?


Welcome newbie!

It’s not often we get someone here who parrots Sarah Palin about the “Lamestream media” unironically. You seem almost, exotic.


I am swooning over the “his side, her side, the truth” bit! Gotta love a bit of strange gender essentialism in the morning!


The cruise ship virus is “Norovirus”, not (of course) e coli.

Militias are from Mars, the Feds are from Venus.


And chipotle has has huge problems with both at more than a few locations over the last few months. Also e. coli.


Boston location sickened a couple hundred as well.

Lets send them some Chipotle, was the joke.