Penis satisfaction correlates to gun ownership

“Mistakes were made…”


On first seeing the headline, I was thinking “Ooh, great opportunity to post this”:

Doesn’t quite work in the same way after reading, but the song does list a number on non-penis-related inadequacies that may or may not correlate to gun ownership. More studies are probably needed.

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Uh ohs.

I was gonna go to bed but maybe I’ll wait up to see how this turns out.

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I’m just wondering why, according to the graphs, the metric for “penis size dissatisfaction” is always 1.

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Maybe a likert scale with a neutral midpoint of 4? Very satisfied, satisfied, somewhat satisfied, neutral, somewhat dissatisfied, dissatisfied, very dissatisfied?


“Attempted penis enlargement” sounds so very ominous.

I suspect they use the word “attempted” because other than maybe some kind of surgery, everything is quackery?

Surprised that they didn’t ask women about this. [She’s not surprised that they didn’t ask women about this]


Which textbook are you referencing?


Yeah, it really goes against expectations. I wonder if, for men who buy into the power fantasy of guns, having guns gives them satisfaction that bleeds into the rest of their life. But I also immediately wondered how accurate the poll is, too. I could see macho dudes who buy into the gun power fantasy also feeling like dissatisfaction with their penis would imply that they’re “less manly,” and thus would be less likely to be honest about their feelings. In which case, the study would have shown, instead, “gun ownership correlates with lying about your penis.”


I’m really starting to question the statistical relevance of 1800 +/- men in a nation with about 160M men. 1800 men who agreed to participate in a study; how were they chosen, how were they presented with the ‘opportunity’, how random are the participants really?

This study seems to completely ignore how typical it is for men to lie about their insecurities because toxic masculinity. :face_with_raised_eyebrow:


That’s more than enough, you don’t need to question that. You really only need to question sample size on small effects.

This, this is what you need to question.


The reason I question the sample size is related to my other questions considering how utterly useless political polls with allegedly statistically relevant sample sizes of around the same number of participants have proven to be in the last decade or so.


Right, that’s why you question the choice, not the size. If it were truly random, the size is fine. If it’s not, the size can be almost irrelevant. Question methodology, not math.


dog husky head tilt confuse 350

I think that’s… exactly what she was doing?


The sentence before that was by number only.

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But that sentence wasn’t the whole of the argument, or even the most important part?


Ya know that thing, that isn’t a good look, that many men unconsciously do sometimes?

You’re doing it right now.


Dog forbid we consider context. :roll_eyes:

I’ve been thinking about all this a bit more. Men with guns are secure in their manhood until they’re not. The all-too-frequent bloodshed that follows is part and parcel resultant from toxic masculinity.

Smash Wonder Woman GIF


Maybe I missed it in all the comments, but I don’t see where anyone wondered this: Did they correct for the possibility that men who buy guns and carry them around loaded and ready to shoot someone are the sort who are much more likely to furtively lie on a form that their dick is something special?


That was indeed suggested, but every new way it’s worded is entertaining in and of itself!