Pentagon halts Trump military parade after news report shows 666% cost jump

I once read a parody of Left Behind in which Satan came to Earth as the US President (as opposed to the UN Secretary General in the original) and effortlessly got the Chriistian Right to go along with all the Satanic schemes that had been prophesied (the Mark of the Beast, one world currency, etc.). I can’t remember the title but I dare say slmeone in the BoingBoing hive mind will.


No no no, sponsorship means the corporations foot the bill!

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Given that this was planned for a few days after the election- the impending blue wave surely motivated this change in plan. And Donnie letting this news being broke not come from the White House.


Couldn’t they just tell him the parade is going ahead but everything is stealthy and can only be seen by a very special strong and stable leader?


Previously on this parish:


666 percent, Jared bought into 666 5th Avenue… Coinky-dink? Yeah no.

I’m a decades long agnostic atheist who’s mellowed out over the years and adopted a sort of “Spinoza’s God” outlook.

Yet looking at Trump through the lens of contemporary American (mostly protestant) millenarianism, and removing the “our team good, their team bad” filter, he fits a whole lot better than people in the past who’ve been accused of being the Antichrist, such as Obama.

I’m half expecting Trump to eventually announce a national RFID chip system to help curb voter fraud…


Darn, and I was having very pleasant fantasies of the marchers stopping in front of the reviewing stand and taking a knee.


7.66 is 1.00+6.66, so the increase was 666%.

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“… it was several hours before the entire column had exhausted its supply of ammunition. By then, the Capitol steps were in need of considerable renovation. But the cost of this work was offset by the savings made on a State Funeral.”


666%? Did someone say marching to hell?

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It would be naive to think that there’s not a MC in Pentagon accounting for where all that missing Iraq/Afghanistan money went. Slush in the Army is as thick as tar. Secrets are secret.

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When one knows what Christ actually means, it becomes quite obvious that Trump stands for the opposite of it. Christ is knowledge that all is one, so of course you would treat others as you would like to be treated, because all is one. Trump quite obviously is the opposite of that outlook, so he becomes this era’s antichrist avatar. Woot.


You really can’t make this shit up.

Bet you money the religious conservatives will see it as a good sign, because reasons?


Also he had planned to have his Russian role model in town for the now-cancelled “summit” so he could show he’s a big boy, too.


Revelation 13:16-17 King James Version (KJV)

16 And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads:

17 And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.

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And now he’s going with “It was my idea to cancel the parade because the local (black) politicians are all pooty-heads and I never wanted it anyway.”


He’d never manage the finesse to do it smoothly.



It also is apparent that the one department where Trump responds to pushback is defense. It is not the first time high ups have told him to get bent.


At his age, that’s called a stealth walker.

Annnnd, if he doesn’t do shopping, what was he handling in a shopping cart, bodies?