Produce Stand Off - A food thread for plant-based eaters

Homemade samosas for dinner tonight, served with tamarind/mint chutney (not pictured)

Truly delectable, and we’ll have them for lunch all week.

ETA: may need to revise that last sentence. I just saw Mr. Linkey going in for his third approach…hopefully we’ll get at least another lunch from them. :joy:


I don’t have a copy of the book, but Vegan with a Vengeance ( has a recipe for biscuits and white bean sausage gravy that I think is easily as good as traditional Southern biscuits and gravy. When I had it, the recipe may have been tweaked slightly, I’m not sure. I know it used tempeh and sausage herbs/spices for the sausage, and veggie stock and white beans for the gravy. Beyond tasty. Hope your wife is doing ok!


Thank you! Will be here in time for Xmas!


That book’s chickpea gravy and mashed potatoes are awesome too. :+1:


That sounds really, really good, thanks for the tip. I have to pick the book up, I miss those biscuits and gravy, and I have like four pounds of chickpeas in the cupboard right now.


That book looks amazing and my spouse, who does almost all the cooking, is both very difficult to buy for and very interested in learning some vegan recipes.

Thank you for showing me this perfect Christmas gift :gift:


I’m on my third copy!



I really can’t wait to see what he makes with it!


Echoing the thanks for that tip.
I found another book by the same author available from my CloudLibrary account so, instant gratification!
I’ll wait to order my own copy just in case one is going under the Christmas tree.


Oh, I saw that! I liked that both twins were put on healthy diets to start, not just leaving the omnivore control to their own devices. Thanks for posting.
Also, this is anecdotal, but on top of the other health benefits I have one to report. I got dishydrotic eczema a few years ago. I tried home remedies, no help, then got the prescribed medicines, they helped a bit but it kept coming back. It was literally a couple years of dealing with this itchy mess on my palms and feet. Since going plant based (about 4 months, I think?) no more eczema. Maybe it’s unrelated, but uncanny timing.


Eczema is generally related to an overstimulated immune system, so I could certainly see a veggie-based diet being less triggering for the immune system than your average omnivore.


It’s the only life-style change I’ve made, so it’s hard not to think they’re related.
From what little reading I’ve done, I lean toward thinking it’s related to dairy, but I’m not interested enough to test it out. Not yet, anyway.


Likewise for spaghetti squash seeds.


I’ve been making my way through a batch of this hummus (without the celery, bay leaves, or garlic in the chickpea boiling stage, and with extra tahini) for the last week. It’s so, so, so very good. I think I’m going to try this recipe next:

I think that I had something like it at a neighbor’s house years back, served warm with the whole chickpeas swimming in olive oil on top of the tahini sauce. One of the tastiest things I’ve ever eaten.


Crossposting the squash conversation from Ken’s food thread:

(Includes great instructional photos, thanks for getting it started, @zfirphdn)
And then:

With some good input from others in between.
And one more recipe:


Thanks, ClutchLinkey. It was a toss-up which topic to post in :hugs:

I’ll add that while the quinoa recipe doesn’t look like much on paper, taste-wise that simple combination of ingredients really hits the spot :yum: Especially if you let the onions get nice and browned.


As I said in the other thread, i much prefer Kobacha, aka buttercup squash.* Edible skin and a much nicer flavor.

  • That is, I think they’re the same…

I’m glad you brought it up. I’ve been seeing a lot of recipes calling for peeled, cubed squash to roast. I’ve historically been of the “slice, scoop seeds, roast, scoop flesh” practice, but sometimes you want the cubes to get all browned. But I didn’t really have a technique until I saw yours.

In other news, made some great vegan enchiladas this week. Sweet potato, beans, herbed vegan cream cheese, leftover rice, wrapped in flour tortillas dipped in enchilada sauce then baked with the rest of the enchilada sauce poured over top. This might be a winter staple, great way to use up odds and ends!


Dang, that sounds good.

Did you follow a recipe you could share, or just wing it?

I’ve been bracing myself to try burritos, but haven’t taken the plunge yet.