QAPLA': General Star Trek thread... for all your Trekin' needs

They found the original manuscript for Spock, Messiah?*

*I barely remember anything about it, other than that it’s level of horniness was probably inappropriate for 12 year old me. Then again, I had read Jaws earlier that year, so I was already broken :man_shrugging:


Just watched this weeks episode of Picard. This was a good get!


I just watched last weeks. My expectations were even higher. I think the dialogue simply did not work in many scenes. I find Ms. Plummer did the best acting - overacting, but from the heart,


Beware. Picard Spoilers ahead.

star trek GIF by HULU

Just asking questions.

I watched the last episode of Picard and until now I didn’t understand why they needed the boy. The whole plan would work without Picard’s son. I’m starting to think Queen Borg has a fetish for men with an English accent.


why aren’t spoiler tags working in my phone!

I have some ideas about this week’s episode and where we might be going, but tags have failed me. :face_with_raised_eyebrow:


IKR? The writing is full of obvious problems that are too easily avoided. The whole Frontier Day thing with all the ships in one place. :roll_eyes: No way. As Riker pointed out, Admiral Shelby being involved in using such Borg-like technology is highly unlikely. If she hadn’t been shot, I would’ve felt better to see her revealed as another Changeling. The use of the transporter to alter everyone’s DNA and everything going on inside Picard couldn’t be detected before, but 30 years has made all the difference in technology. Ugh. Jack running off to confront the Queen. :woman_facepalming:t5: Assimilate the young and kill the old who could not be assimilated…including Seven of Nine and Picard? Those two seem like easy pickings to me, but they needed jokes about aging I guess. Finally, when they said they needed an analog ship, I really expected to see the Enterprise from TOS, not the Enterprise-D. :nerd_face:


… Battlestar Galactica. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Wait…you see things that are spoiler tagged in posts you are reading, or when you try to spoiler tag something in a post of yours it’s not working? (Feel free to reply over here if you like)

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There’s a thing the kids are doing these days using AI to transform characters from movies and TV shows into Balenciaga models. I liked this one.


Dang tags weren’t working for me. That or they were taking longer than a youtube video takes to onebox. :pensive:


Was it all very contrived so we could get those seven on the Enterprise D again? Yes.
Was it pure fan wank? Yes.
But i still got all misty eyed seeing that bridge again and a gorgeous new render of the best Enterprise.

Just look at it…

Still looks wonderful.


And i have to say the more hardcore reactionaries of the fandom are really harshing my mellow.


That pretty much describes the entire Picard series. It’s always been the weakest of the Paramount+ Trek shows.

But with that said, even the worst trek is always amusing and worth watching.


Yeah, i’m not sure how much i’d get out of it if i wasn’t so invested in the TNG crew. I would say this is easily the best of the three seasons, but then the other two (particularly the second one) are so very weak. Patrick Stewart never wanted it to just be a nostalgia fest yet here we are.


OMG, the Borglenciaga at the end!!!


Analog ship? The only analog ship I could think was this one…

Star Trek: First Contact (7/9) Movie CLIP - Blast Off! (1996) HD - YouTube

[spoiler]There are so many questions:

Why taking Picard’s son? I mean, If everyone was assimilated, this whiny boy wasn’t even necessary.

What happened to all the changelling infiltrators in Starfleet?

What happened to Riker and Deanna’s daughter and why don’t they seem the least bit interested in knowing?

Removing ALL the fleet ships from active duty to do a silly parade (incidentally, for anyone who controls a huge area of ​​space it seemed that the Federation only had a handful of puny ships) leaving such a frontier unguarded so soon after discovering another alien infiltration at the highest levels of government seemed too much stupid to me. Who did approve such things?

Why did they have to kill Captain Shaw? Ok, it makes a big emotional impact… Such a complicated character. They could have killed someone else.


Yeah, I guess it’s all relative. I enjoy seeing them getting the band back together. Sometimes, though, I’m right there with Scotty giving parameters to the computer…


There is apparently a series of “fan films” based on some licensed, i.e. quasi-canonical, stories first published in the 1970s

I specifically remember reading this one as a kid and it certainly never occurred to me that someday I could watch it acted out on YouTube


Picard´s fan service, why not?

I don´t need to say it is full of spoilers.

Stranger Things Mtv Awards 2019 GIF by MTV Movie & TV Awards


Its called Star Trek-Phase II. Stories based on scripts for an aborted revival that eventually became Star Trek-The Motion Picture. Many scripts ended up recycled in TNG