Report: Trump angry at own aides after they concede he lost debate

It makes sense. Trump’s strategy is to say you won even when you lost. It is a surprisingly effective approach.


Ok, but in the fairy tale the king realizes the little girl is right. This news story is all about how Trump is telling all his little girls to shut up.


It only works so far.

Mind you, if Hitler had just wanted to cut the barge traffic on the Volga, then why send the 6th Army to their deaths trying to take the city itself? They could already cut the barge traffic from their positions north and south of the city, and they could eliminate the Orlovka salient, without the attritional fighting in the city, loss of their Panzer reserves, etc.

Quoted from here:;sequence=1


The “willful suspension of disbelief” ain’t so great for a political candidate. And, in the face of regular issues a president will handle, I don’t see this being a good strategy for dealing with natural disasters, military combat, economics, etc. I don’t think trump knows the meaning of the word, “introspection”.


Not to mention “listening,” “learning,” “compromise,” “ethics,” and a whole lot of other good words.


I bet he goes out of his way to avoid the Y that has the open showers – out of fear of anyone seeing his pencil eraser sized penis.


And to say whatever feels good in the moment and then deny you ever said it if people get mad. Epic gaslighting.

I saw a Trump supporter on Facebook claiming he really never did say that thing about not paying taxes, and that Snopes was paid to lie about it. So it’s certainly working for some people.


So what you’re saying is, Clinton needs a lot of T-34s and American trucks?

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And good operational planning. That’s what made Operation Uranus so much more successful than the earliier, larger counteroffensives, or than Operation Mars.

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And Chuikov, but he’s not available.

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This is the only measure by which Trump has a high IQ


They won’t be able to drive away: they’ll be partying up a storm, and are responsible enough to know they will be in no condition to drive afterward.


Even though I desperately do NOT want to see Trump elected, I do feel a teensy bit sorry for him because of the debate.

He’s not used to being not the most important person in the room. For a debate that’s the moderator - whom Trump forgot to shake hands with and thank, on camera.

He’s not (most likely) used to having to discuss anything with a woman, any woman, at a peer level. And it wasn’t just any woman, but a lawyer who’s survived multiple international negotiations, and who made a point of appearing relaxed and confident throughout. Hell, David Frum even criticised her on Twitter for smiling too much.

Lastly, I’m pretty sure he’s not used to the debate format at all, which partly explains the many interruptions. That tactic can work in a business meeting, but in a formal debate interrupting that much just makes you clueless and disrespectful.

It’s gotta hurt to be that far out of your depth with the cameras on, the eyeballs glued, the hot takes coming in faster than the debate questions.

So while I’m thrilled he did lose, I acknowledge it must have been very frustrating for him.

I just hope he doesn’t learn anything from the experience until it’s too late.


How teensy? Are we talking neutron, electron or neutrino?


Typical lamestream liberal media bias. Everyone knows Trump won the CBS post-debate poll!


Oh, neutrino. It definitely exists, but hardly in any measurable way.


McClellan FTW

Biography? It’s his next business self-help best seller.


There is a great tale of the opposite side of an election outcome. British Conservative Party bosses apparently had to phone around to get people to visit John Major when he won his first election, because he was all alone in his apartments.


I wounder how WW2 could have turned out very differently if that city hadn’t been named Stalingrad. I suppose Stalin wouldn’t have felt compelled to defend it, and Hitler wouldn’t have felt compelled to destroy it.