Restaurant freakout in Santa Monica, California

I think a more apt ending would be – she walked outside, straight into a Free the Nipple march and her head imploded.


Why not California Penal Code 415?

PART 1. OF CRIMES AND PUNISHMENTS [25 - 680] ( Part 1 enacted 1872. )
TITLE 11. OF CRIMES AGAINST THE PUBLIC PEACE [403 - 420.1] ( Title 11 enacted 1872. )
Any of the following persons shall be punished by imprisonment in the county jail for a period of not more than 90 days, a fine of not more than four hundred dollars ($400), or both such imprisonment and fine:
(1) Any person who unlawfully fights in a public place or challenges another person in a public place to fight.
(2) Any person who maliciously and willfully disturbs another person by loud and unreasonable noise.
(3) Any person who uses offensive words in a public place which are inherently likely to provoke an immediate violent reaction.
(Amended by Stats. 1983, Ch. 1092, Sec. 283. Effective September 27, 1983. Operative January 1, 1984, by Sec. 427 of Ch. 1092.)


I jog daily in a forest preserve near my home, and the other day I was there fairly late, near sundown, and there was another car in the parking lot when I got back to my car. There were two guys in it, one bent over the other one’s lap. I didn’t look closer, just got in my car, gave myself a little smile, and thought, “well, good for them!” But then, I’m not a very moral person.


My thinking on watching her dumbfounding, astonishing persistence was that I was watching someone who overreacted, realized it, and then went on a self-justification rampage. The accusation just kept getting worse. It really looked sort of painted-meself-into-a-corner-ish to me.

I didn’t read anything indicating mental illness into this, but I guess my bubblegum-machine diploma prolly doesn’t cover this sort of thing…


Nowhere else do they do crazy as well as in America.


No kidding - after accusing them of kissing in public, she calls the woman a prostitute. Everyone knows prostitutes don’t kiss on the mouth. A friend told me that, anyway.


That was exactly what I was thinking. Her directing all the abuse at the woman, calling her a slut and a whore speaks volumes about her sexual hangups.


[quote=“vendorx, post:54, topic:98194, full:true”]

I have to agree with this. Certainly it’s a good sentiment to want to proceed with caution, maybe not be overeager to jump on the condemnation bandwagon too eagerly, but it’s not “clear” that this woman’s mentally ill. She’s behaving horribly in public and appears to have the skills necessary to learn from social feedback. She’s speaking lucidly, she’s dressed coherently. [/quote]

Or she’s the product of a culture that’s insane. That is, it’s giving validation to people who are already mentally ill (e.g, the president), while normalizing anti-social behaviors among those who are not. We’re learning about the people around us through secondary (and often hostile) sources on TV and the 'net, rather than through actual interaction—so that when the interactions do occur, they’re sometimes based upon highly distorted assumptions that lend themselves wildly inappropriate reactions.

In these cases, the cure is usually worse than the disease. Check out So You’ve Been Publicly Shamed, by Jon Ronson.


Worst. Sex. Ever.


Accountability went out the window (along with the concept of personal responsibility) when American culture decided giving out trophies for participation rather than accomplishment was the way to go. No more hurt feelings!


To be fair, he said it was ‘alright’… :smiley:

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That may be true, but your average 12-bucks-an-hour cashier isn’t going to be able to make that distinction. I doubt most people in that situation would.


I thought it was because parents now can’t hit their children. A good clip around the ear never really hurt anybody, but would put the fear of god into them, amirite?

Also, bring back capital punishment, and stop spending all this money on poor brown people.



Much of life is just showing up, as they say, so I’m fine with participation trophies.


Typically it’s trophies given out for accomplishments, ribbons for participation. Still, rewarding participation doesn’t negate responsibility - those are separate domains. I’m pretty sure if you wander into your neighbor’s house and steal their stuff you’ll be held responsible (unless you’re very rich). The self-esteem movement (amusingly, invented by Ayn Rand’s star pupil) has brought with it many absurdities, but hasn’t actually removed the idea of personal responsibility in our culture (unless you’re very rich, and we’ve always forgiven them from our founding).


Won’t someone think of the food!?


A fast food worker in that part of Santa Monica is probably well practiced in the art of dealing with crazy people. Lots of international tourists as well as homeless near the 3rd Street Promenade.


I feel sorry for the couple… Nobody needs that nonsense.
I feel sorry for the angry lady… She has found Hell on Earth.
I feel sorry for all the patrons… I would have walked
I feel sorry for the employees…
(Including the Manager, who is likely making 50 cents more an hour to deal with this ca-ca)

Hate is the most pitiful solution to any problem…


I feel sorry for me because I looked up the lady and will never be able to unsee some things. :anguished:


Shut up, hippie! Hasn’t the MPAA taught you anything?

Violence > love, dammit! Get it straight.