Roy Moore is still in the running because "values voters" would support Satan himself if he was anti-abortion and homophobic

You’re new. I get it. You need to vent. Lord, during these times, I get that, too. But maybe just try reading some of the opinions here at BB on such topics before posting? These are not friendly waters to neoliberals and those guilty of sexual misconduct:

Continuing the discussion from Hillary Clinton secures Democratic nomination:

Continuing the discussion from John Hodgman endorses Hillary Clinton:

As for Al Franken, well…

Continuing the discussion from Sen. Al Franken Accused of Forcibly Groping Radio Host Leeann Tweeden:

And this is pretty representative of opinion among Boingers towards the issues you mentioned (notice the number of likes on some of these posts).

Sorry, buttercup. Try driving trollies a Democrat-centric forum instead.


I choose to believe ‘Boingers’ are more secular humanists as opposed to Democrats or whatever. Which is why I still come back after all these years.

Edit - misread the post - have adjusted.

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The reckoning of past abuses is long overdue, but I have a sneaking suspicion that I might be part of the problem.

I’m not American, but when Clinton was in trouble with the Lewinski scandal, I ignored the problematic elements of the relationship, and utterly ignored the far more damning claims from other women.

Instead, I conveniently found a moral out (it was consentual) for me so that I could continue to support the strongest element for pushing my desired policy.

I’d like to think I’d do better now, but I’m not at all certain that if the great hope for defeating Trump next election turned out to have accusations of problematic behaviour in their past, that I wouldn’t be desperately trying to find some out that would allow me to not call for his (or her) resignation in favour of a far weaker candidate.

And thus are men and women of power given the means to escape their crimes.

(Small edit for clarity)

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Well, they think it is very important to put bibles and 10 commandments everywhere, and to repeatedly state and enshrine in law that “The US is a christian nation and the bible is the foundation of our legal system”. They want to put the teachings of Jesus (and Moses I guess) everywhere. They just don’t want to comprehend them.


I expect plenty of important religious people did that when the original was being delivered.



“Many people are saying that I’m the greatest Antichrist! Unpresidented!”


From the great Chaz Braman:


Was there any doubt that a huge number of voters, more so outside the isolated “liberal” areas, are that… I dunno, clueless? Ignorant? Lacking in decency?
Those people are a cohort that’s been voting regularly, repeatedly against their own interests for decades and now generations. Why would they change now?

Of course, they’re just following their god’s teaching to help the wealthy screw the impoverished. And that swearing to fealty to the Ten Commandments is enough, one isn’t really expected to honor the ones about stealing and adultery and a few of the others.

It’s now quite evident that both the left Democrats and the right Republicans are inclined to circle the wagons.

Conyers’ office recently confirmed issuing a settlement of $27,000 to a former staffer who says she was fired for resisting the congressman’s sexual advances. Conyers has acknowledged the payout, which he said amounted to a severance package, but he denied the allegations about what it was for.

Appearing on “Meet The Press” earlier in the day, House Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi urged “due process” before making conclusions about Rep. Conyers, saying the congressman is “an icon” who has worked to protect women.
'John Conyers is an icon in our country. He has done a great deal to protect women - Violence Against Women Act, which the left — right-wing — is now quoting me as praising him for his work on that, and he did great work on that ’ "

Nancy Pelosi isn’t left wing. She isn’t even the left wing of capitalism.

And I’ve been saying that about most Democratic party politicians for years.


OK, provisionally corrected.

(edit - On second thought, I think it’s fair to say that Pelosi’s district is one of the most “leftist” electorates in the country. Why has no one been able to unseat her?)

Who would you say are the “left wing” male public figures in the USA?

Because “heavily gerrymandered for the benefit of wealthy white liberals” is not the same thing as “leftist”.


Who would you say are the “left wing” male public figures in the USA?

No one is. There’s a long way to go before a mild left centrist like Bernie isn’t considered the second coming of Pol Pot by delusional Fox News viewers.


And why is that?

Depends on what you mean by “public”.

“In the USA” is also becoming less relevant. 21st century politics is global.

Naomi Klein, Akala, etc. They aren’t just speaking to Canada and Scotland.

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The reply to this is in the rest of the post. Feel free to read it, it’s only a few more words.


Let me preface what I’m about to write by stating that I’m atheist, pro-choice and fully supportive of LGBTQ rights. There.

While I don’t understand the religious right’s fascination with homosexuality, I can appreciate that holding a strong anti-abortion stance allows one to support a revealed predator like Moore. If you actually believe that abortion is murder, voting Moore in the hope of rolling back women’s reproductive rights would appear to you as the “lesser of two evils” (and let me be clear, Moore’s behaviour was evil).

Generally speaking, I find it helps (in the sense of providing insight) to try and see things from your opponent’s point of view.