Safeway Lunch Box Sandwich Spread ad, 1955

Hell yes, Kraft Sandwich Spread! Great with cold cuts, and tuna salad. I even use it for fish in lieu of tartar sauce. It’s good stuff.


Are the first sandwiches flavored with sandwiches? Where does it end? Sandwich inception.

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It takes a couple of generations geographically removed to sort itself out.

I remember that stuff. If you put it on a white bread and bologna sandwich, it’ll be the best part of the sandwich.


This is my favorite phrase of 2016 so far.

Scrap, obv.


It’s not that his hands are big… That kid’s head has been shrunk!


Scrapple’s good! But then again, I’m originally from Cincinnati, where we eat goetta, and that’s just scrapple mixed with pin-oats. Because when you’re REALLY frugal, your scrapple needs something to extend it, apparently.


That is what we call a low bar.

Yes. Cat food sandwiches would be gross.

I always characterize it at “all the parts of a pig that you’re not going to eat if you read the label.”

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Bacon and branston pickle sandwiches are the bomb.

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I’d love this on a sammich.

Do you people eat bread-and-balogna sammiches all the time?

Try some variety! Throw in some sauerkraut. Try these sliced radishes! What happens if I add shredded carrots and raisins? How about jam and ham? Sriracha mayo? What’s the worst that could happen*?

* Your neighborhood could disinvite you from further barbecues, and your wife no longer invited to Tupperware parties, and your perfectly manicured lawn somehow turns brown? Waaaaah! I wish I had conformed!

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I don’t get the “Do we eat it, or did we eat it?” insult comment. Am I missing something?

I took it as a vomit joke.


…has anyone here ever actually been to Tupperware party? I’ve been to a Pampered Chef, but I’ve never even had the chance to turn down a Tupperware invite.


Ah, that makes sense.

I went to one back in the 80s. The rep was lively, so the group had a lot of fun. I bought a pickle elevator and a tortilla keeper!


I am covetous of your pickle elevator: it’s handy and it’s a groovy color!


Sadly, it went bye-bye a few years ago - questionable old plastic, and I hadn’t used it in awhile. But it was really handy for keeping carrot sticks and cut radishes. No more wet hands!


I’m sure someone makes a stainless steel equivalent, for far too much money. I went looking for a non-glass french press and the only one I found locally was $85 for two cups, so off to Amazon I went. I’ll probably look into someday when I have money burning a hole in my pocket.