John Kelly, the military general is going to bring order? Wow, we’re rushing right into “Charismatic (to his supporters) leader’s regime implodes and military dictator takes over with a stern hand, to the relative relief of the populace, who hoped the rest of the world wouldn’t immediately forget their cultural contributions to history before remembering them only as a banana republic” territory…I guess it could have been worse, we could have gone through a long period of Pencian theocracy before advancing to military strongman. Still could, I suppose…
And an easier time finding qualified candidates
The well-oiled machine just got a little less oily.
From a former Obama advisor:
Awwwww. (snif)
I guess we all know how Steven Bannon is gonna celebrate today’s big news.
But Mummy & Daddy didn’t have one of toughest, most high profile jobs in the country, either; with all the constant stress and criticism that entails.
Every US prez I’ve ever seen looked noticeably older at the end of their admin than they did at the start:
And that’s minus all the scandals and endless conflict & discord…
At this point I feel like the WH hiring strategy is a “breadth first” search.

And that’s minus all the scandals and endless conflict & discord…
You are assuming Trump is paying enough attention and can comprehend that shit storm he is in. He may be too oblivious to actually stress out.
Obviously Spicer’s role model, though he was a but a pale shadow of “Comical Ali”.
At this point, the White House is more and more obviously a fustercluck of epic and growing proportions. Pass the popcorn…
No, no, no, no, no, no, no!
Of course, the question the one has to ask is whether Trump was on board with the removal of Scaramucci (and will continue to be so) of if Kelly has just committed his first act of “disloyalty”.

Did he even have time to get business cards printed?
Didn’t even have time to steal an ashtray!
You get it.
If only we could get His Orangeness out so quickly.
Guys… Police Squad was not supposed be an instruction manual.
Police Squad?

Police Squad?
… in color!
I’m sure missing his child’s birth was worth it though.

You are assuming Trump is paying enough attention and can comprehend that shit storm he is in.
No, actually I’m not.
On the contrary, I’m certain that he’s clueless as to how much shit is hitting the fan and what the natural consequence of a viscous material hitting rapidly rotating blades is going to be.
Rather, I’m assessing the stress that his miniscule mind can comprehend:
Lots and lots of people are being big ol’ meanies to him, like all the time.
No matter what he does, people still won’t stop talking about Russia.
They won’t do what he says and he can’t do everything he wants to do when he wants to do it.
Nobody is loyal to him but his kids and Jared.
People are laughing at him.
Please believe it; to a raging narcissist with no impulse control, that’s all extremely stressful.