Semiautomatic handgun advocate shot and killed her two daughters

Your gun insurance idea could be very effective, but it will hit a wall with those who believe it’s immoral to keep track of how many killing machines a given person or household contains.

I think you could need each gun in your policy, because every gun you own increases the risk that you will be responsible for somebody’s death of injury. Your policy would cover costs in that event.

Prior convictions, medical records, etc would all affect the rate you pay for the first and each additional gun.

I love it!


That’s more like it!

Gun licence and gun insurance would go a long way toward cleaning this mess up


If there were such a thing, that is. Have you read Jon Ronson’s The Psychopath Test?

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What’s the difference between someone who thinks Obama wants to take their guns away, an extremist, and someone with mental health issues?

You know, since they have zero overlap and totally not making an arbitrary distinction because she reflects poorly on “motivated gun rights activists”.


Someone who owns ten guns is not merely a gun advocate—they’re a gun enthusiast.*

She may have had a history mental health problems, sure. But how exactly did you conclude from this that most homicides by firearm are perpetrated by those with mental illness? Walk me through your thinking.

*We BBers tend to use ‘they’ as a generic third-person pronoun. At least until English gets a proper one.


According to the Census Bureau’s estimation in July 2015 based on 2010 numbers, there are 27,469,114 people in Texas. 90% of that is 24,722,202.6 people.


Apparently gun ownership rates in Texas runs around 44%, with about 1/5th of that being 1 gun in the household, and the remainder… more than that.


They also don’t prevent murderously self-centred arseholes.

Most killers are not insane, most mentally ill folks are not killers. Don’t buy into the NRAs attempts to displace the blame for this.


Middle class.

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  1. We will never be able to stop the sad tide of mass-stabbing deaths in this nation. Just like that one time in Russia where all those school kids died were wounded.
  2. All we need to do is keep guns away from the people who have mental problems, had mental problems, or one day might have a mental problems or other forms of mental impairment (including, but not limited to: drugs, alcohol, sleeping pills, cough syrup, more than one 5-hour energy consumed within a 5-hour period, lack of sleep, over stimulation, under stimulation, dyspepsia, irritability, gas, eczema, lice, bedbugs, rattlesnakes bites, Spanish fly, orgasm, blue balls, husband/boyfriend who just won’t do the d**n dishes, fevers, frostbite, leaky furnace, paint fumes, WhipIts).

I don’t have a gun and I don’t want a gun. I’m not a fan of gun ownership.

I have at least two mental illnesses. I don’t appreciate equating gun ownership or even rabid gun enthusiasm with mental illness. Whatever it is, it’s not that.

Every time there’s a tragic shooting, the NRA (and now the anti-gun folks too :frowning2: ) crop out of the woodwork to blame mental illness one way or the other. It never amounts to anything positive for the mentally ill. It perpetuates the idea that we’re violent. We’re not violent. On the whole, we’re less violent than the mentally well.

We don’t need folks dragging the mentally ill into the U.S. gun issue. It’s harmful.

See @Snowlark’s post if you need more convincing.


I will never own a gun and one look at my medication regimen would convince anyone that I should never own a gun.


Well, this and pretty much everything else that he wrote.

Freud was an unethical cokehead quack, and it’s disturbing to see the extent to which he’s still taken seriously in the US health system (from the POV of a non-US psychologist).


It’s not the legislation that stops this kind of thing, it’s a societal recognition that people have to have some responsibility. And that might start with legislation.



That… that’s an apology.

On the internet?!?


Horribly tragic. Tragic, that “Obama” was unable to take her ten guns… now Texas Rangers have to pry one of 'em from her cold, dead hand. Tragic.


I think it’s meant to be tautological, along the lines of “only criminals break the law.”

“90% of Texans” is the thing I want to see a citation for.


Even if he had, she could have just used a teapot or chopstick or something, as somebody pointed out.


I agree with not giving into the NRA’s narrative, but semantically I would say anyone who is willing to kill other people is, in at least the moment they’re killing people, homicidal, which I consider to be some form of a mental illness. It’s at least a moral illness.

Thinking it’s okay to kill other people is pretty damn insane to me. The problem with the NRA narrative is that they think that’s an aberration that randomly afflicts the bad guys with guns but owning a gun is the equivalent of thinking that it’s at least potentially okay to shoot someone.

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The jawbone of an ass?
Hmmm, where is Charlton Heston interred?