Senators vote Yes to Brett

I think first off you are making suppositions going far beyond reality. It takes far longer than the next 2 years to get something before the court. Additionally because it takes 5 not 3 and some of what you’re suggesting is far beyond what even the existing right leaning members of the court would allow.

I take your opinions and insinuations on my country’s election system with a grain of salt.


eduxate yourself on how the US electoral system works on your time. I’m not here to give a class on it. Educate yourself.

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what he’s suggesting is only a tiny extension past what has already been done. it isn’t “far beyond” what they’ve already done. the swing vote, as such, is now roberts and he showed no compunction about cutting the heart out of the voting rights act of 65 which has given the vote suppressors virtually unchecked free reign over the voting systems of the various red states.

and although he used the term etc. instead of naming them, i’m not going out on a limb to say that thomas and roberts are more likely to help than hinder k/g/a if they want to create precedents in favor of extreme gerrymandering, increased voter purges, and more restrictive i.d. requirements. there are any number of cases already in the federal system that four justices could choose to pluck up and rule on to further an anti-democratic agenda. i’m afraid you don’t understand just how serious this really is.


This thirty-year experiment of getting rid of the Fairness Doctrine seems to have been a bad idea

Would have been better to keep it and expand it to the cable monopolies as well


Or perhaps I’m not jumping feet first into fiction and paranoia land.

But I know what I know. You know what you know and we can agree to disagree and leave it at that.

If you end up being right it won’t matter for fuck all as far as I’m concerned because we will already be doomed.

On the other hand I’ll stay optimistic.


good luck to us all, we’re going to need it.


Bart, we should call him Bart


here are my predictions, write them down if you want to humiliate me with them if we get so lucky they don’t pan out or damn me for naming the truth too closely to the bone if they do.

within five years we’ll see the overturning of–

the rest of the voting rights act
independent counsel law
gerrymandering/redistricting restrictions

over the next 10-15 years the elimination of–

brady bill
what few parts of the 4th amendment they currently allow
clean water act and other environmental regulation
aca in any meaningful form
ada and other antidiscrimination legislation
freedom from religion
innovation at the state level- they’ll go after california for emissions, net neutrality, etc.and force them out of the regulation business.
any attempts to tackle the role of dark money.

as a district judge he has demonstrated in numerous opinions his hatred for administrative law, abortion rights, voting rights, and antidiscrimination statutes.


Yep. It’s an outline for a republican wet dream.




Oh, now they cut Manchin?

Not when he voted to confirm Sessions, Tillerson, Zinke, and the rest of Trump’s cabinet. Or when he voted to confirm Gorsuch?

Now they cut support?

This guy has been a R bootlicker for years now. He needs to just switch parties already. He’s already caucusing with them more than his own damn party.


I think much of that is a bridge too far. But I’ll allow it’s possible and we shall have to simply wait and see.

The thing here is this: whatever gets overturned. Can also be reinstated or even better redone and turned into new and better legislation.

And in some cases of what you posit while I don’t want those things to happen I do think they will help to ensure people get woke the fuck up. Example: if because of kav roe v wade was overturned. How mobilized would that make the female voting base as a whole against the entire GOP?

Political climates swing like a pendulum. And legislation fortunately can change. Technically there are only three things permenantly set in stone and absolutely untouchable. Life. Liberty. And the pursuit of happiness. Those are the only inalienable rights.

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The hypocritical words of an influential slave owner provide precious little solace.


Maybe giving him too much credit, but he waited until 2 of the 3 repubs said they would vote for K. At that point there was no longer a point to his bucking his constituents for the better of the country. We need to be playing a longer game now. God knows the right figured out a long time ago how to do that. We just seem to go from crisis to crisis with no view or plan for the long run. Hopefully this will push in that direction. Not all that hopeful, though. Seems we get played by the repubs with alarming consistency.


I often wonder whether we can beat the R’s without being R’s, that is, doing what they do. My working hypothesis is no.

We’re the people who believe in norms and decency and cooperating and win-win and good for all and inclusion and increasing the peace and that we can in fact all get along. If you’re willing to throw all that out the window, seems like it opens up tactics which are politically evolutionarily superior, that is, you win the power, and the power gives you the ability to shape the future so you keep the power and get more of it. EDIT FOR CLARITY: and that this is what the R’s have been doing.

Please, political theorists and students of history, prove me wrong.

From some perspectives this is an amazing time to be alive. Just not from the perspective of someone who grew up in the 20th century believing in liberal democracy and who thought Fukuyama might be right.


It’s the ballot or the bullet; those are the only ways forward.

You don’t beat evil by smiling and playing nice. You beat them by hitting them harder. There’s more of us than there is of them.


Man, you are a total buzzkill, especially since I can’t find a way to specifically argue with those points. So let me do this: Quicky history lesson. And all the people said Yay!!!-

So anyway, this American experiment started when a bunch of privileged, wealthy, old straight white males put some fairly radical ideas on paper. “All men are created equal” and all. In a country that embraced chattle slavery, where being female pretty much disqualified you from most meaningful endeavours, and which was and would be for some time actively engaged in genocide against the folks who had lived here for millennia before we came along. So yeah, not too promising. But, within 100 years, slavery ended. Brutally and bloodily, and leaving a scar that evil festers today, but it did end. 60 or so years after that, women were finally recognized as at least mostly fully human. Yeah, that’s another one that is still evolving, but the fact stands. We are now recognizing LGBT rights as human rights, instead of crimes against nature leading to prison sentences. And each and every time there has been a step forward, there has been reactionary screaming and predictions of hellfire and damnation. But the experiment has kept chugging forward.
So will we be the ones to break it? Every damn time some group tries to stuff this genie back into the bottle, some other group steps forward to save it. Never without a hell of a lot of work and sacrifice, but thus far, it has not been totally stoppered. I have to believe that the arrow of history will continue to point forward and up. I just don’t know how long it will take, or how much work and suffering it will take this time.
What I do know is that at least for 2018 we still have a vote in this mess. And that the Democrats, flawed and weak as they are at times, are yhe only ones who will push this forward. In November we have to start to take this back. We are the majority damn it! I will not listen to Russian dupes talking about not voting because “lesser of two evils” or “they are no different than the Republicans.” The damned rightwing figured out how to play a long game and kicked our asses. We don’t have to surrender our principles, but we need to realize we cannot continue to let perfect be the enemy of good.
In 1776 in sucked to be black, female, poor, native, gay, anything other than rich, straight white male. Many will say it still does, and they would be right. But any of those folks in 1776 would probably trade places in a heartbeat. It is not a finished product, but it is evolving, getting better, more equitable, and now it is our time to make sure that evolution continues.

Ok, rant over. Sorry, I had to get that off my chest.

tl;dr: It ain’t over, scream and cry and rant if you must, but tomorrow morning get off your ass and get our goddamned country back!


Correct. Because they have crafted a media empire that whenever pages are used from their playbook, it is bemoaned as “foul play”.

How do you fight that?



Quit playing games and flip the table.


Amazing shot. I’m watching AHS Coven.