Shootout in Oregon: one terrorist killed, eight arrested

Who was part of a militia led by a man whose name starts with “ammo.”


I can’t look at the name Ammon without thinking Mammon.

…and ends with “undy

i heart aptonyms


obviously, the posts were coming in fast and thick, and i didn’t take time to read through them all before posting, so no, i didn’t see that until later. no harm done.


Not a coincidence, I think. The Book of Mormon cribs heavily from the bible


OMG and this standoff began with ammo and ended with dirty undies. WE ARE THROUGH THE LOOKING GLASS WAKE UP SHEEPLE


Did anyone make a Buns & Ammo joke yet?

I’m sure Ian Kognito will tell me if it’s a dupe.

For Sale - Used Blue Plaid Wool Jacket - $50000

Slightly Used Blue Plaid Wool Jacket. Worn 24 hrs. / day for the last 26 days to weather it out in Burns Or. Due to a sudden lifestyle change, I’ve decided to only wear orange jumpsuits.

A couple of snags from barbed wire. Some odors of sweat, beef jerky, gun oil, personal lubricant and sedition. Includes one pocket copy of the U.S. Constitution.

Careful wearing this in any western-themed gay bars, because this unit is HOT!!!

Will consider trade for 200 cartons of cigarettes or some snacks.


Nice. I hadn’t gotten beyond Tarpman ending up under a tarp.

I’ve consistently said here that the Bundy group is in the wrong. With all that said, I think the police used excessive force (in my name) against Finicum. (With ‘police’ meaning anyone authorized to use deadly force.) A shot to the thigh would have sufficed, especially at point blank range. I know that the emotions of everyone involved in that scene were off the charts, but still. These are the situations where we ask that the police act with professionalism and restraint.

It does look like Finicum did pull out something shaped like a pistol, and I assume that it was in fact a pistol. Even then, the person who shot him had ample time to make a leg shot first. That person is only a few feet away with ample support also a few feet away. I think that the chest shot was a dick move.

I don’t know what I would have done if I were that officer in the same situation, so it’s a dick move for me to criticize, I admit. But that video looks very bad for the government, IMO.

Cops aren’t trained for shooting to injure, they are trained to shoot center mass because it is the largest part of the body which coincidentally contains a large amount of vital organs. Plus a dangerous individual who is injured is still dangerous. Tasers wouldn’t have worked because of the thick winter wear. They could have tackled him… But that leaves them open to being fired upon from the people in the truck.

Where the final confrontation took place, there were not a lot of options.

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Usually I am all in favor of that, but in the case of someone armed who had already resisted arrest, was on record saying that he wasn’t going to be taken alive and appeared to go for a gun that may be asking a bit much.

That was not some guy not following instructions during a routine traffic stop.


That was not point blank range, and guns should not be used to wound and immobilize, tazers/beanbags/rubber bullets etc are for that

And armed lunatic who nearly just killed someone reached for his gun, twice. Be realistic.

Cops don’t shoot to wound. Guns are only used, officially, where lethal force is warranted so…when they are used, they are used lethally.


I would love to see police forces use less lethal tools. The problem is convincing them to use the less lethal option in a lethal situation, and to use them properly. Unlike the taser, which is used as a compliance tool when an officer can’t be bothered with someone else’s bullshit.


I think the weapons are fine, it’s the training and the actual tools we keep putting in uniform.


That too. Police have a tough job, it’s even tougher when they protect officers who are not fit for the job.


Exactly. We need to disincentivize “bad apples”. I suggest anyone who covers for a cop who did something illegal get charged with the same thing as their buddy, and then, let’s say a few months in the holding tank, with an announcement to incoming guys of what they did.

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