Take a quiz to see which US presidential candidate matches your views

I was kind of surprised that you could answer “nationalize it” to so many questions, but it’s a pointless answer since neither of the two main parties’ candidates are actually advocating that.

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Quite the assumption you’ve made there, google.

But when I finally lied (how could I not?), the results were 99% Sanders, 93% Clinton. Trump was way down at 11%, Cruz was up at 24%-- I really should reconsider that point of agreement.

As long as the rent continues to be too damn high, I won’t be needing a quiz to learn which candidate matches my views.


Hmmm - well - best describes me would be Female, 35-44 - yet still completely inaccurate.


I play a lonely forty year old female, on the internet.


95% Sanders, 88% Clinton, etc, then 28% for Rand Paul on the first Republican result.

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Interesting. I got a 93% for Sanders, apparently based on my indication that I consider single-payor healthcare very important. I haven’t made a voting choice yet-- it’s much too early, and I have reservations about Sanders. But if the election were to be held tomorrow, and he was the Democratic candidate against any of the declared Republican candidates, I probably would vote for him.

Why would I want to? I mean, beyond idle curiosity, the same way I might want to know what Spice Girl I’m most like. It’s cool to know that me and Scary Spice both like purple, but I’m not going to invite her to make decisions about my life.

The problem with electing politicians is it’s entirely guesswork. A gamble with very unfavorable odds. When you vote in an election, you don’t get to participate in actual decisions and you certainly don’t get to articulate your own ideas or proposals. All you get to do is pick from a curated list of politicians, and basically guess which one would be most likely to make decisions the way you would.

Two things complicate this process:

  1. Politicians can trick you, by giving the impression that they care about the same things you do, but then making decisions differently. Very little stops them from doing this, and the rewards are considerable.
  2. No matter how honest they are, someone else is literally incapable of representing you.

BUT 16% TRUMP!!! How can I go on knowing that even 16% of my views are the same as his…I’ll just have to assume he didn’t understand the issues/questions.


Clearly I need to be more verbose.

I must be really bored because, even though I’m Australian, I still did this quiz. For those interested Bernie Sanders and Joe Biden were my highest and Ben Carson and Rick Santorum were my lowest match. The really interesting this is I was raised in the same Christian denomination as Ben Carson was.



I’m not American so results could be off, but i got 99% for Bernie Sanders :slight_smile:

86% and 84% for Hillary and Biden.

The 37% score for Trump concerns me though, he’s like a overdone parody of the worst candidate possible to have for president and i want nothing to do with him…


Brazilian. 98% Sanders. First I heard of the guy, but looks like his views align with everyone. Screw the US, let’s elect him world president and see what happens.


They never asked me about my gender or age, and FWIW I do have a reasonably amount of blockers, etc. keeping my info from being handing out carte blanche.


Trump has voiced some concerns about the carried interest tax loophole.

If, after this quiz, you feel yourself drawn to becoming a Berner, there’s a thread for continuing the discussion.


I couldn’t help but notice how many of the questions implicitly presuppose that you accept the legitimacy and basic sanity of the status quo.


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Honestly, the idea that Bernie Sanders and Biden are in the same ballpark makes me cringe. Biden is the “other white meat” for the corporate / wallstreet establishment. He hasn’t even announced he is running yet, but is being pumped up because Hillary’s “guaranteed” victory is starting to look shaky.


+1 Sanders for president of the world.

And fuck Clinton and Biden.