Ted Cruz to endorse Donald Trump, whom he earlier called an utterly amoral bully, narcissist and pathological liar

Some maxims are so perfect that neither time nor tide dulls their wisdom’s brilliance.

For example:

“How can you tell a Republican/Right-Winger is lying?”
“His/her lips are moving?”

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Yah that’s what I was wanton to point out, that there’s basically no contradiction in what he said earlier and his actions now, except that before they were applying for the same job.

Cruz thinks an utterly amoral bully who is a narcissist and a pathalogical liar should step up and run the nation, I think this is all pretty clear.

That 2 months was just a bit of sour grapes because he didn’t get the job, and perhaps he was observing Trump to see if he really was an utterly amoral bully, a narcissist and a pathological liar, or if Trump was just pretending to get the job!

If Trump had done something rational in those 2 months, Cruz was ready to POUNCE!


“Technically, if you truly believe that a Hillary Clinton presidency is the worst possible thing in the universe then I suppose the logical person to vote for is the one who isn’t Hillary. You literally have no other option than to vote for this vile, utterly amoral pathological liar. God have mercy.” Collapses into sobs

Trump 2016!


and he eats boogers!


I wonder if Cruz’s wife or father will vote for Trump?


His father will vote only for Jeebus.

Betsy, bar the door! Finally, I’ve found a Trump Truth. He was right in calling Cruz “Lyin’ Ted”.


GOD DAMN “PARTY LOYALTY”. This kind of shit is exactly why the Founding FAthers all warned us against the existence oif political parties. Because of party loyalty, Cruz and others will back a candidate whom they know is manifestly incompetent, amoral, possibly criminal, and certainly an ignorant race-baiting bigot. Anyone who places party loyalty over concern for what the party’s candidate may do to the country is a God damn traitor and should be whipped to death. Ted Cruz just proved he doesn’t have a soul to sell. He gave it away in return for noteriety years ago.


A bit OT, but I have to ask what is up with the never-ending mouths-for-eyes meme? It was kinda sorta amusing in that “Oh, somebody figured out PhotoShop” way the first time or three, but that’s surely not enough to keep it running this long! So am I completely missing some deep existential meaning here? Is it some sekret code for something? Do I need less/more of some controlled substance to fully grok it? Ugh! What does it all mean?!?!?!?!?!? :slight_smile:


Now that healthcare is available to everyone, maybe those within the republican party can now get a spinal cord.

Thanks Obama!


And after this?

I really wish Trump had actually refused to accept the endorsement and stayed true to his primary persona in general. He was more entertaining when he wasn’t actually trying to win and just trashed his opponents relentlessly. Now it’s getting scary… but also boring?


Late Stage Capitalism


Now here’s a Trump supporter with a nuanced view.

Thankfully it’s the SFW version of photoshopping it’s partner in crime ‘Christ what an asshole’…

It’s not a spine so much as a notochord.


It’s Muddy Mudskipper!

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Watching that clip gave me more respect for Ted Cruz than I could have ever imagined. Which is not all that much, but now he’s even fucked himself out of that. Reminds me a bit of McCain abandoning his maverick thing to kowtow to the Powers That Be.

Do these guys all have serious dirt they’re getting blackmailed on?

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You know, reading about the activities of these guys leads me to one conclusion. The reason Republicans oppose the legalisation of cannabis and ecstasy is the fear that their political leaders might start chilling out and saying things like “let’s try being nice to people”, or “hey, does it really matter?” or even “put The Simpsons on again.” Because currently what they’re all saying to one another mostly sounds like one imagines arguments in the Fuehrerbunker, in around April 1945.