Texas cops smell weed in black woman's car so they stick hand up her vagina in public

The headline is Texas trolling. Blame Houston, the specific city in question, just like you would if it happened in NYC, Baltimore, or Miami. (And I live in Houston—it’s shameful that cops whom I pay did this, but you can’t really blame all of Texas for it.)

“Texas trolling…” I shudder to imagine.

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I am so stealing this for later.


This makes no sense! Now if they smelled crack, it would be a different story.


This makes no sense! Now if they smelled crack, it would be a different story.

I thought that smell was upthread. When someone was showing his ass.

(Sorry Falcor! ducks and runs)


What I can’t understand is if the cops smell weed, and found nothing in a normal search, what is the downside of just saying, be on your way. Even if you were pretty sure they may have had a small amount of weed where is the harm if you did not find it. If a mass murderer was on the loose, or a serial rapist, you may hate to think you had the person and they got away, but I could sleep well knowing someone may have had half a joint, and I just missed it.


Yeah, but if you find half a joint on someone, it’s an easy “result” you can chalk up on your logbook. Murders and rapes take too long to collect evidence for.


I’d stick my hand up your ass just to reciprocate, officer. But it’s a pity that your head is already wedged up there.


Makes sense (in a twisted way). And let’s not forget the strong possibility of that sweet satisfaction that some still get from putting another uppity black woman “in her place.”


I just wanted to point out again that our civil liberties have eroded so much that a “smell” is enough for probably cause. A smell. You can’t prove there was or wasn’t a smell. Smells linger and so one could claim they smelled something that was no longer there. Smells also can mimic other smells. So basically with that sort of law in place a clever police force with a compliant DA could use this scheme for any sort of search they want with out a warrant.

“I smell drugs, Lou.”

“So does Ol’ Lassie, don’tcha girl.” Nudges dog and dog reacts.

“Yep see, Ol’ Lassie smells it too! Good girl, Lassie. Have a treat.”

“Well, well, what have we here, no drugs but this encrypted lap top is suspicious.”

“That’s quite a porn collection. Better we confiscate it and make sure it’s all on the up and up.”

“Woah, Chief, we got a powered substance on these doughnuts!”

“Better let me handle that, Lou. I have an immunity to Anthrax. Better call the lab boys down to see if this home made wine isn’t laced with Quaaludes.”

“That’s some fine police work, Chief.”


“You too, Lassie!”



I bet they were ‘smelling’ some just before the stated encounter.

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Dear America,
What the fuck? No, seriously. What the fuck?
Lots of love,

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Proper Texas trolling: Alaska is twice as large as Texas!!!


Murderers and real criminals also may shoot back! it’s much safer busting young and middle aged black women, and if they resist they are easier to wrestle to the ground.


2.3 times, specifically. So if you cut Alaska in half, Texas would be the third biggest state.

Though Alaska has enormous problem with sexual assault so square mileage is about where the superiority ends.

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Some people take the War on Drugs® seriously. I pity what ever third world nation you live in. You probably spike baby formula with heroin. We prefer to keep our citizens pure of this unholy scourge.

Fun fact, if we catch you with large sums of cash we confiscate it, as it is obviously dirty evil drug money.


The War on Drugs is a hell of a drug…