Yeah…right wing teachers with attitudes like this…
I get what you’re saying, that you can’t tell in every case. But my friend’s step-kid is a trans man and started to grow facial hair in HS. I guess he could have shaved, grew out his hair, and worn a dress to hide it, but certainly SOME kids who are on hormones could be outed by zealous teachers who notice differences over a school year.
Something tells me they aren’t TOO concerned with accusations that turn out to be false.
False accusations seem to be fine with them as long as trans people are harmed.
I am trans. I grew up in Texas. Attitudes like the ones behind this declaration are why I grew up thinking I was wrong and bad for feeling the way I did. They led me to bury everything about who I really was deep inside and sit there and fester for years, leading to depression and substance abuse. Fuck this guy and fuck everyone who thinks like this. Fuck, Jesus fucking Christ it’s 2022 for God’s sake, can we stop being so fucking terrible to everyone. People are going to die because of this. And other’s are going to have lifelong battles with depression, anxiety, and substance abuse. Fuck, I’m angry.
Because unnecessary cruelty is the only point to a Republican. The guy can’t be bothered to ensure a working power grid or take reasonable measures during a massive epidemic, but he finds the time to attack trans kids and parents.
yeah. and this will absolutely affect non-trans children as well. any child who doesn’t like traditionally gendered activities, who likes or doesn’t like makeup, who doesn’t like certain kinds of clothing, and on - they and their families are all potential targets
i hope there are people in positions of power who come out against this. waiting on the courts is too slow
Thanks again to @anon73430903 for teaching me this term.
ETA: this is not to trivialize any of this; I live in Austin, and I totally agree with @navarro about Abbott’s getting primaried, and how the current GQP “strategy” appears to be doubling- and tripling-down on othering, bullying, controlling, and making us miserable.
I hear you.
Solidarity, with respect, from ATX.
Anger doesn’t even begin to describe what I am feeling over shit like this. I know those battles with depression, anxiety and substance abuse all too well.
I know you don’t need me to tell you this… but you are perfect just as the universe made you!
To both you and @danimagoo!
Yeah…just like how the people most effected by trans bathroom bills are cis women who don’t fit the stereotypical idea of what a woman looks like.
Yep. Obviously trans kids and their families are the most at risk from this specific law, but this law and the recent “vigilante” style anti-women’s bodily autonomy bill are both setting the state up for some real Salem Witch Trial level attacks on any non-conformists and on most humane, non-fascist medical providers.
Well if they were “real” women, they would be thin, pretty, and attractive, not to mention blonde with blue eyes, like god intended a woman to be… /s
She was right in the forefront of my mind - I mean, she’s a Texan and everything.
Given that other Republican (failed) legislative efforts and school rules were about punishing more generally non-gender-conforming behavior, and given that the intent here is criminalizing being a trans kid, “false” accusations are a deliberate part of it.
I doubt it will help, but I saw this link to a petition on reddit.
One of my best friends fits this 100%. She has a short haircut, wears board shorts and doesn’t shave her legs. She gets hassled in womens’ restrooms constantly despite being born and raised GG female and is even straight as an arrow. Loves that peen. Yet she’s not welcome in many a public womens’ restroom.
Minority rights are everyone’s rights.
When a bunch of right wing Christian parents start whinging because their precious cisgendered kids get caught up in this, I hope that lots of people point this shit out to those scums.