The Candy Hierarchy for 2016: Halloween's best and worst treats

Worst chocolate I’ve ever tasted was those foil-wrapped coins. They’re significantly worse than any Hershey chocolate.


The ones you get at christmas? That stuff is cheap and nasty yeah, usually found at the checkout in little net packaging.


They’re pre-Brexit Pound coins, and I’m dead impressed that you managed to get the wrapper off them.


I’m coming at this as anti-creme. I’d beat a man for the chocolate with out that crap. And when they put out the caramel egg. Well I may have actually cried. That was just a Cadbury’s Caramel with more caramel. My very favorite thing as a child. Brought to me by family members visiting from the old country. They changed the chocolate and I’m done with that shit. Worse yet just before they did. Hershey’s, purveyors of crap knock of Dairy Milk, sued the hell out of your major exporters. Cutting off my regular supply of the good stuff. Its increasingly tough to find real Cadbury’s even at expat markets. I console my self with Euro Nestle but its not the same.

Have I mentioned I shot a man in Reno just to get his Fruit and Nut?


Meanwhile, everyone on the european continent watching the discussion of our shit chocolates…



The US Cadbury’s is actually just as bad if not worse than Hershey’s. The real deal is delightful.[quote=“politeruin, post:85, topic:88456”]
everyone on the european continent

I recently tried Russian Chocolate for the first time.

Have you ever had Carnation Instant Breakfast? Imagine that held together with rubber cement.


Delightful. That’s what you get for being out of the EU. We have a lot to look forward to. Thank you, brexit. :cry:


Imagine eating a chocolate scented candle.


That’s actually a pretty accurate description for the foil-wrapped coins.


Wow. WWII rations, right? Someone thought that was a business opportunity. Now i have to try it, just so i can spit it out and say “Never ever again. Ever.”

It tastes more like brown sugar flavored surf board wax. I’m not sure where the chocolate actually comes in.

The Special Dark ain’t bad. But that isn’t saying much.

There’s actually Gelt made by decent chocolatiers. I remember seeing Lindt at some point. We used to get them from a local chocolate shop (Episcopalians use them for a whole Dutch derived St. Nicolas thing).

Most of it? Yeah chocolate candle.


There are exceptions. I was giving away pirate treasure tonight.


Woah, no more sugar for you…


Oh, you guys with your adorably precious taste buds. Hershey chocolate is fine. So is American Cadbury and American Nestle. The European chocolates I’ve had are noticeably better, it’s true, but so what? If I was stuck a couple thousand miles away from every cheap source of The Good Stuff and I had somehow convinced myself that Hershey chocolate tasted like bile, I would be a sad, sad man. As it is, I wish my bile tasted like Hershey chocolate. Mine tastes… like bile. Meanwhile you can send me all the cheap American chocolate you turn up your fine noses at. I will eat it all with a brown, sticky smile, and never, ever grow tired of it.

And when I feel fancy, I’ll nibble a Toblerone or a Lindt or maybe something Belgian, and I’ll enjoy that too. Y’all are missing out.


I hereby protest the exclusion of Razzles. How can they not be on the list, let alone topping it? First it’s a candy, then it’s a gum. That’s right! It’s a freaking CANDY, then as you chew it, it turns into GUM! It’s literally transformitive!


Isn’t that how all gum works?

Although, I’ve on a few occasions chewed the same wad of gum for so long that it suddenly turns liquid.

No, it’s completely different.


No Razzles are much weirder. Its a sort of “wait why is there sand in my teeth?” Followed by “HOLY SHIT ITS GUM”

It is not pleasant. But small children and late stage boomers/early gen xers are as amazed by it as my generation was by the re-introduction of pop-rocks.

Also remember when mega-warheads made your tongue bleed? Kids these days don’t understand what it is to suffer for what you love.


I loved warheads! Why aren’t minor chemical weapons on the hierarchy?


I’m more concerned with the multi-year lack of beats, broccoli, and aspargus. My mom always said those were “just like candy” so what gives?

Also when did they drop Necco Wafers? I wasn’t sick of being the only person to vote in favor of them yet.