The Fall of Roe v Wade & the Insidious Fascist Plot to Make All Women into Mere Broodmares

In March, Jaci Statton, a 25-year-old mother of three in Oklahoma, says she was turned away by a hospital despite suffering from a nonviable, molar pregnancy. Molar pregnancies occur when an embryo has too many chromosomes and can result in developing tissue becoming cancerous. Statton’s emergency room doctor told her she was at risk of hemorrhage and even death, but that the hospital couldn’t provide treatment—because treatment for Statton’s condition was an emergency abortion, and abortion is totally banned in Oklahoma. Throughout that week, Statton was transferred to three different hospitals. At the last hospital, OU Health University of Oklahoma Medical Center (OU), she says she was instructed to wait in the parking lot for her condition to worsen before they could legally treat her: “They said, ‘The best we can tell you to do is sit in the parking lot, and if anything else happens, we will be ready to help you. But we cannot touch you unless you are crashing in front of us or your blood pressure goes so high that you are fixing to have a heart attack,’” she told NPR in April.

Statton and her husband ultimately drove to Kansas for the procedure. Within a month, Statton also had to seek surgery to remove the remaining cancerous tissue. She went on to file a complaint to the Biden administration, citing how OU instructed her to wait in her car, possibly violating the federal Emergency Medical Treatment and Labor Act (EMTALA), which requires doctors to provide stabilizing, emergency care to patients. Sometimes, as in Statton’s case, the only emergency treatment is abortion. But the Washington Post reported on Friday that the Biden administration rejected Statton’s complaint, finding the Oklahoma hospital did nothing wrong.


Good Lord. A molar pregnancy does not involve a baby! It is an abnormal, premalignant growth that must be removed. There is no “fetus,” viable or otherwise. It is a fucking tumor. We usually refer to them as hydatidiform moles to avoid the whole “but the baby” thing. There is no baby!


And buried in the story, why this is needed:

The organisation says it is “concerned” by the rising number of police investigations following abortions and pregnancy loss, and the effect this might have on “especially vulnerable” patients.

there’s obviously some push from the CPS and /or the police to push these cases.


In just 14 states, and only since the overturn. When one considers how few victims report the crime, one wonders how high the number really is.


I mean, he’s not wrong; but that’s much worse. It means he’s lying and he knows it.


“ with some justices signaling they were ready to recognize abortion access as a right protected by the state’s constitution.”


Agreed. Fuck the patriarchy

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Do not read if you are in a place you cannot rage and/or vomit


Sadly, at this point none of that is shocking. Infuriating, outrageous, but not surprising. A woman is treated as less than human? A Black woman, at that? Just a day ending in “y.”

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Order them to smile more? /s


The case is scheduled to go before the U.S. Supreme Court next month.

The academic publisher said in a statement that it took a closer look at the studies in response to a reader’s concerns.

“Sage confirmed that all but one of the article’s authors had an affiliation with one or more of Charlotte Lozier Institute, Elliot Institute, and American Association of Pro-Life Obstetricians and Gynecologists, all pro-life advocacy organizations, despite having declared they had no conflicts of interest when they submitted the article for publication or in the article itself,” the publisher said.

“As a result of Sage’s inquiry into the authors’ conflicts of interest, Sage became aware that a peer reviewer who evaluated the article for initial publication also was affiliated with Charlotte Lozier Institute at the time of the review.”


The fake “I don’t want to make a cake for imaginary gay people” case set the precedent for imaginary/hypothetical litigants. Fascists are running with it and will run with it to overturn every hard-won right women and people of color gained over the last 150 years.


Critics noted a number of problems: The study looked at all emergency department visits, not only visits related to abortion. This could capture medical care beyond abortion-related conditions, because people on Medicaid often lack primary care and resort to going to emergency departments for routine care. When the researchers tried to narrow down the visits to just those related to abortion, they included medical codes that were not related to abortion, such as codes for ectopic pregnancy, and they didn’t capture the seriousness of the condition that prompted the visit. Medication abortions can cause bleeding, and women can go to the emergency department if they don’t know what amount of bleeding is normal. The study also counted multiple visits from the same individual patient as multiple visits, likely inflating the numbers. Last, the study did not put the data in context of emergency department use by Medicaid beneficiaries in general over the time period.

This is the same bullshit “analysis” antivaxxers use to argue about “vaccines are deadly.” “There are kids who die following immunization!” Well, yes, but compare it to the rate of death of kids who don’t get immunized. “No! That doesn’t matter! These are kids who died after they got shots!” They really only have one playbook. “Some women who took mifepristone went to the ED in the month following!” OK, how does that compare to women who did not take the pill? "No! That doesn’t matter! It must be the pill! " Lord, the bullshit makes me tired.



Same as it ever was

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