The new Ghostbusters trailer is awesome

It was a gloriously unhinged 120 minute car chase/explosion extravaganza set in a dystopian post-apocalyptic wasteland. When you create a gloriously unhinged 120 minute car chase/explosion extravaganza set in a dystopian post-apocalyptic wasteland, subtlety of acting and depth of character are just not part of the formula.


There’s no arguing with that.


I had the same problems with Fury Road.

I know :frowning:
The Fury Road love fest is as confusing to me as people who like Trump.
Road Warrior was hot, dangerous, dirty, sandy, chaotic, edgy, I could feel all those things, I could smell those machines. But then Fury Road felt like a circus with comic book villains, and left me with no lasting impression once the rush was over.


Let’s agree never to compare Fury Road fans with Trump voters ever again, shake hands, and be OK with each others’ movie preferences.


Heehe, thanks nungesser, I appreciate being given a lot of patience for this.


I agree absolutely. Except for anyone who thinks Beyond Thunderdome is the best one, obviously. They’re just idiots, we can all agree on that.

The Road Warrior’s still the best one, though

Anyone got any comments on what they did to the music?


I have plenty of friends who either disliked Fury Road or downright loathed it, mostly because they felt that it would’ve been better with Mel Gibson.

Then again, I have other friends who play War Boys in a Fury Road LARP. So there’s a lot of strong opinions out there.

Me, I thought it was a glorious opera of fire, explosions, and amazing visuals and sound. But I also loved Road Warrior for completely different reasons, and Thunderdome for being loony as hell.


Depth of character would have helped me care more, but that isn’t even much of a miss for me. It’s the silliness of the caricature exaggerations that really removes me from the film. I also do not enjoy comic book movies or hollywood action movies, so maybe it is as simple as that.

I stand by it. They were very funny in a very funny movie. Ramis, in particular, is a great comedy writer but Akroyd isn’t very funny and Hudson isn’t very funny.

Murray and Ramis are a good duo on screen in this but I’ve seen all four women prove themselves to be funny on their own and as part of an ensemble.


My problem are the legions of people whining and winging without giving it a shot. Yes ther eare a few cheap jokes (aw hell naw.) Thing is I still feel like the core three know eachother, and they are doing pretty good in making me feel like this could be interesting.

IMDB lists bill murry. The trailer makes this look like a sequel/in timeline with the old movies even though there have been statements otherwise.

Could Doctor Venkman be trying to get a new team assembled to face something and felt he had to make sure they were up to snuff?

Did… is Peter building a machine so he can say Goodbye to Egon?


I’m sure your expectations going in would have a lot to do with what you got out of it. I was really only expecting action, spectacle, general lunacy, and car chases and it totally delivered. If were hoping for something else I could see it being a disappointment.


“Captain Waaaaalka”
“Who runs Barter Town?”
“Two enter, one man leaves” FTW… hands down!
Man I loved Thunderdome, but perhaps similar to you, I like it in the same ways that I love WaterWorld lol!

OK, so I had a really good time watching the Fury Road, and I could have left it at that, but the continual love fest for it is just blowing my mind. There were lots of great movies in 2015, Fury Road should get its nod, but not be the pinnacle accomplishment.
It just didn’t leave me with much of anything to ponder over the following days, which is a really a big criteria for me. I love a movie that really challenges my brain and makes me think about what happened, and I love discussions with friends to get their impressions. After the ooohs and aaahs were over, Fury Road left me with not much to go on. And then throw in the fake feminism garbage… I was expecting people to at least see through that facade.

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Absolutely, that’s a problem with any sequel, reboot, adaptation, etc.

One of the things I loved about Ghostbusters is how it let the personalities of the different actors come out in their characters. Bill Murray is the comic relief by being the skeptical wise-ass, Ramis (the non-actor) is perfectly stiff and logical, and Akroyd is pretty much who he actually is, a supernatural-obsessed ghost geek. So he doesn’t have “funny lines”, but he’s so genuinely into his part that it just makes me smile, and he’s perfect alongside Bill Murray.


In the interest of complete disclosure, my wife has a very small extra role in the film. That said, since she’s already been paid whether or not we like the film, I’m really looking forward to it. :slightly_smiling:


[quote=“nungesser, post:75, topic:74565”]
Ramis (the non-actor)
[/quote]Wut? I think his years on SCTV would disagree with that. During Ghostbusters he’d certainly had as much acting work as Aykroyd and held up his end of things with Murray in Stripes. That he later decided not to go into acting certainly doesn’t make him a non actor. His stiff and logical role is a role, as he was loose and funny in real life.


I wonder what it would have been like with John Belushi and Eddie Murphy as originally intended, instead of Murray and Hudson. Not as good, I suspect.


I would agree with this. Sometimes I think about Belushi as Venkman and the only scene that Belushi would have pulled off as well was the one with Peck in the office. “Because you didn’t use the magic word.”

Otherwise it would have been a cocaine-fulled disaster beyond anything they dealt with on Blues Brothers. It would have been over before it started.


I feel like it was done on purpose, poking fun at the Original for doing that too.
At least she seems to have a story and character and won’t be bitter about the experience like Ernie was/is…

The night before filming begins, however, I get this new script and it was shocking.

The character was gone. Instead of coming in at the very beginning of the movie, like page 8, the character came in on page 68 after the Ghostbusters were established. His elaborate background was all gone, replaced by me walking in and saying, “If there’s a steady paycheck in it, I’ll believe anything you say.” So that was pretty devastating.

I’m panicked. I don’t sleep that night. It was like my worst nightmare is happening. The next morning, I rush to the set and plead my case. And Ivan basically says, “The studio felt that they had Bill Murray, so they wanted to give him more stuff to do.”