The new Ghostbusters trailer is awesome

Murray wouldn’t have seemed as funny if he didn’t have Ramis as a straight man to play off of.


Sure, but when Ghostbusters happened, he’d been a writer/director for awhile. I might be misremembering, but wasn’t his role originally written for John Candy? I thought I’d read that he took the role of Egon reluctantly, wanting to only be a writer on the film. In any case, he was brilliant at being a nerdy straight man.

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I’m really curious to see how they transformed Boston into NYC. It’s been fascinating watching them film around town here. I was kind of hoping that the new team would be a Boston franchise of the original Ghostbusters crew, but I guess not.

Candy was meant to be Tully, I think?


I can totally see that, now that you mention it.

I was thinking the same thing. It might have been nice if the Egon-type character was a nerdy black guy just to mix things up a little. Neil DeGrasse Tyson is America’s science-geek-in-chief, so it’s not like modern audiences would even find the idea weird anymore.


I absolutely agree. It’s really fucking disappointing in a movie that’s being touted for being progressive and feminist for them to have three white ladies be scientist and the one black character be the utterly standard, predictable, AW HELL NAW character. I went from “oh cool” to “oh fuck you” the second it became clear that she was only drafted onto the team because she “knows New York”.


I liked the Soundtrack… well some of it…

This song was worth the bargain bin price alone.

As for the preview - looks pretty good to me.

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I always considered Clerks 2 the absolute best View Askewniverse movie!

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I thought some of the humour was hit and miss, but the special effects look fantastic! I look forward to seeing some ghostbusting with modern technology.

I just hope they can make the streams as cool as the originals.

As much as I wanted to like this, as much as I want to be excited about a new ghostbusters movie, this doesn’t put me in the “I don’t care it’s gonna cost ¥5,000, me and the wife are there” mood at all. In fact based on this trailer she’s not going to be interested at all.

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Ummm…awesome…not sure about that. Cute, maybe.

Is it a sequel, or a remake or both? It’s another “Force awakens here”. Walking a fine line trying to get us old-timers excited and getting the young’uns into it also. I’ll probably wind up seeing it with my own young’uns.

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I have only one thing to say…


And before I get jumped for not liking it only because it has female leads…I don’t care if it stars the resurrected corpses of Richard Pryor, Sam Kinison, Andy Kaufman and George Carlin, the shit I saw in that trailer was not the least bit funny or interesting, regardless of whether the leads have tabs or slots. Ya can’t just slap a name on any old POS and expect quality without the writing to back it up. I assume that it will be badly written only because the jokes in the trailer were tired, unfunny tripe and unless the folks who edited the trailer together somehow decided to put the least funny bits they could find, I can only deduce that the whole shebang is equally as tired and unfunny.

I’m sure it will do gangbusters at the box office…


I think the people who made Men in Black II must have used Ghostbusters II as a template.

“What if we took that minor antagonist who turned out to be a fan favorite (Slimer/Talking Dog) and brought him back to help the good guys?”

“You know that sight gag (getting covered in slime/alien regrowing a head) people liked from the first movie? What if we did that a whole bunch of times until it wasn’t remotely funny anymore?”

“I think we should spend about 90 minutes just to reestablish the team dynamic and relationships that the characters had in the first movie. That won’t feel like a pointless waste of time at all.”


If the trailer is a showcase of a few hand-picked impressive moments, I have grave fears about the strength of this film. It felt like each gag either went to the exact place I predicted it would, which takes some of the funny out of it, or it had the chance to toss in a good laugh (or scare) and it stopped short. Neither one is a positive outcome. Make us laugh with a goofball in a funny wig, the scare us with a surprise phantom right after.


The only shining light in that seems to be that she has a more autonomous role than Ernie Hudson had in the original. It seems like, though she’s not a scientist, she came to them to be part of the time. I suspect she’s going to have a bigger role in the action than Hudson did… he answered an ad in the original. It looks like she arrives because she see’s ghosts.

But yeah, still smacks of the “token black” aspect… I wonder if it will pass the DuVarney test?


Also, you NEVER go ass to mouth!


Excellent. Something to see at the drive-in.

What is it with hollywood’s obsession of rebooting everything? Could’ve quite happily been a sequel, but no… wink and a nod, then pretend the originals never existed.

See I like Hudson that we got instead of this, because This is 'dude that is so comically BETTER than everyone else it’s ‘the one competent guy and his four idiot buddies.’

I LIKE Winston as the everyman, but I’d have liked to see more of him.