The New Roseanne

It was for a Jewish magazine and, uh, Jews (including Roseanne, at least by birth, if I"m not mistaken) have been known to do Holocaust jokes. Not always in great taste. But I don’t think it makes her a Nazi or Nazi sympathizer – again, she was born into a Jewish family I think?

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I didn’t say that she was, just that I don’t find it particularly humorous or edgy. Nor did I call for her to be censored, etc, etc, just so you know.

And yes, I’m well aware that she’s Jewish.


Those pics have been floating around the past week or so specifically given the “Roseanne as Trump supporter” controversy and some seem to characterize her as such, so I thought it bore clarification that she is in fact Jewish, and this shoot was for a Jewish publication that if I’m not mistaken was specifically drawing attention to the issue of, is it ever appropriate to make light of the Holocaust. It was meant to be provocative, and I think probably says more about the magazine’s editorial board, than Roseanne.

Maybe, but given her outspokenness, I can’t imagine that this wasn’t at least partially her idea.

But once again, I didn’t say anything about her, her Trump support, or anything else. I don’t find the spread funny. It’s a fine line with that sort of humor, and I find it just the wrong side of Springtime for Hitler. YMMV.


I would tend to agree, although I did snicker a bit at the cookies coming out of the oven a bit burnt. But I have a dark sense of humor and until I read about the background of the spread, really had no sympathy for it. Now I have a tad, but still think it was probably not worth publishing. But then magazine is called Heeb, so it was apparently par for the course…

I didn’t watch ‘Roseanne’. Not a single episode.

Was that a good thing?

Well gosh gee, that makes posing as Hitler roasting Jews completely inoffensive.

The thing about “offensive” or otherwise provocative humor (or any form of art) is that is offends different people to different degrees. You have successfully defined where you stand on that spectrum, wrt these photos. That’s faboo! But it doesn’t necessarily define it for everyone else. Including, apparently, Jews who work for Heeb. Me, I’m kind of “meh” offended.

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I understand what you’re saying, but no matter what context the original photos were taken in, Roseanne is a Trump supporter who chose to dress like Hitler for a comedy Jews-in-ovens photo shoot, which I think understandably makes it tough to separate “the art from the artist”, given that the fictional version of herself watches Infowars.


Fair enough. Me, I tend to think of Roseanne (the actress) as kind of dumb, probably, and a bit of a flake (and I say this as someone who has some pretty unconventional beliefs). And yes, that can all be very damaging. But she’s one of, what, maybe a hundred million people of a similar ilk, here in the USA? The way this all plays out, we either have a civil war, or we somehow find a way of connecting.

Maybe the show itself will be a bridge into her psyche, who knows – it’s definitely a lot more progressive than she seems to be, and at the end of the day, it does have her name on it, and she stars in it. Which at the end of the day, means she signs off on it. I like to take this as a glimmer of hope.

I missed last nights episode, but this was an interesting article about it:


Avoiding it like the plague. The original was an OK time killer back in the day for the first two seasons. Not interested in a retreads with older actors. Kind of reminds me of the misbegotten “New WKRP in Cincinnati” in terms of continuing something which was best left to posterity


Interesting, and not too encouraging. I’ll probably take a look tonight, see what I think. This seems to diverge a bit from the spirit of the first two episodes.

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It was apparently her idea to dress up as Hitler and make Holocaust jokes, not the magazine’s.

Mel Brooks she ain’t.


Hey, their editors approved and published it, which at the end of the day, means they take responsibility for it.

Which is not the same thing as absolving Roseanne of responsibility for it.


This is true.

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On a side-note, if like me you discovered that John Goodman is a really good actor via the original series, I recommend checking out 10 Cloverfield Lane, which is a wacky movie with a terrific performance from him.


A little more direct from the source, the editorial in Heeb on the Roseanne/Hitler shoot.

I never think this kind of stuff is funny. Viktor Frankl made a concentration camp joke in his book “Man’s Search for Meaning.” Now that was funny when I first read it. He was there. He wasn’t poking fun at fellow Jews, wasn’t making light of the extermination. But he was finding humor where there was none, which is an entirely human thing to do.

If you want the Frankl joke, read this article which explains it.


I just watched that. It was good, but so weird.