The screaming no-masker was fired from his job

Yours truly, Johnny Dollar was a great OTR show…
My local npr station plays otr every Sunday night and usually plays a Johnny Dollar episode.


I wouldn’t place any bets on something like that; just like I personally wouldn’t go to such joints to begin with.

(I gave up both regular yoga and salsa dancing before the lock-down was officially enforced in CA, back in early March.)

Contagion is gonna happen as long as people are being obtuse and careless; but I’ll do whatever I can to make sure it doesn’t get me or mine.


He misspelled “butchering.” Cooking and butchering others. Now the effort to justify murdering someone makes sense.


Alright, I’m sold! I love old radio shows anyway. And the premise doesn’t seem that different from the weird Shannon TV reruns I used to watch.
Thread hijacking ended!

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Top sales people are lunatics.
Like in “Generation Kill,” one just has to consider
what is within acceptable parameters.

Figure of speech. No monies wagered.

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As always:

(he should really be wearing a mask, of course.)


Did you mean maskcegenation?


You mean cameras were everywhere except in the pockets of the majority of the citizenry. Whereas they were once the domain of businesses and authorities looking to protect private property, now they’re standard for personal use. Not the same thing.


Personal cameras have been common since the 1890s. Now, ubiquitous surveillance has moved from the powerful to anyone with a cellphone. You think you have any privacy? How 1980s!

Whatever you do in public can and will be recorded. Live with it. Or move to a cave and have supplies delivered on the other side of your rock. Try not to mind that gnat-sized spy drone floating overhead. Do you care if it’s operated by the FBI, Google, or the neighbor in the next cave over?

Back to topic. There’s a lesson: Don’t be a public asshole because some of the majority of humans possessing cellphones WILL record and it WILL go viral and the public asshole WILL be fired. Being an asshole in private is getting harder, too. Welcome to a future with no secrets.


Christ, what a mentor.


I once had to threaten calling police to force salesman out of my backyard - he said that he won’t go until he makes a sale. Another one after being told to go away threw a burning cigarette into open basement window of my house when we weren’t watching.


Try the Internet Archive for some choice OTR shows.



Being a good salesperson doesn’t make you a good person. If you’re nice to people to get their money it doesn’t mean you’re nice.


Used money-mongers?


I was in sales for 10 years and it all depends what you are selling and who are your clients

In my case was B2B highly specialised and highly technical stuff that required a lot of ground work, to develop relationships with clients over months and years, give them advice, training and support. All of the salesforce had technical or scientific degrees and many had PhDs. We used to go to technical and scientific conferences and we presented papers often. In this kind of environment you can’t have a pushy coked up maniac than only cares about closing the effing deal, pocket the commission and drop the shit on the support team

But insurance? that is a fantastic ground for precisely this type of salesperson, pick up the phone, make the calls, go see the clients, push them to sign, close the deal, have drinks with them, go to the strip club, live the life!


We have plague in 2020.
And please don’t eat groundhogs !

The fact is, even if in the '70 and the '80 a pocket size camera was small and cheap, I had a 110 format camera like the one in the ad when I was 6 or 7 and my brother had a Polaroid, these weren’t as ubiquitous and people rarely had them handy in normal circumstances. And film was expensive - especially for a 7 year old.

Now everyone has a cellphone and so it’s easy to take photos and disseminate them, and this could cause negative consequences because the assholery varies for different people.
Think for instance a guy crossdressing and making stand up comedy for friends. It could be ridiculed for bad acting ability, for crosdressing is gay, and because the jokes are using stereotypes. And this could have some bad PR and HR effects if the videos go in the wrong hands.


Meh we have plague semi regularly in the SW united states. The mice and rats carry it. It doesn’t get past one or two people usually though but with the current goings on we could have a nice out break in the USA.