The walls have crumbled for Trump

Impeachment is and has always been a pipe dream. The House subpoena power on the other hand (recently made much stronger by Republicans, ironically) gives the House the ability to make life really bad for Trump and his minions.


Well, if a “blistering Twitter thread” says it, it must be true…

The minions can be picked off; sent to jail, or thrown under the bus if they become too embarrassing. For Trump himself, “really bad” only means that he’ll be upset and angry, probably yank some more press passes.

As long as the Republicans and his base stick with him, there’s little that would actually be really bad for him.


A fever is a symptom of an underlying illness, but you still need to get a serious fever under control if you want the patient to survive long enough to recover.



That cartoon is great, but it needs updating: “Dirty fat Trump sits on America’s face.”


Indeed. This isn’t going to happen (Trump losing the Presidency). The Democrats have failed for the second election in a row to contain and extinguish Trump. The simple truth is that they have not found a plan or path to defeat him. As a matter of course they might have just secured his second term. Trump thrives on fighting, he thrives on conflict. The Democrats have been armed with invesitgatory power vis a vi winning Congress. Nancy pelosi will be in charge and I have no doubt they will use this toattempt to bat Trump over the head. But it may just backfire. But rational and reasonable people will not ever acknowledge this fact.

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Maybe. Maybe not…


“Trump’s the symptom not the disease.”

Trump’s biggest power lies in getting everyone to focus on him and his bullshit. Just like a knockout punch, we need to focus well past our target and be prepared to recover even quicker because Trump is just the kind of blinding distraction we’ll perpetually face.

Sun Tzu said: “All war is deception.”



Wrong thread, Poindexter. Not highly skilled, perhaps?


It’s plausible that at some point the Republican Party tries to throw Trump under the bus to save themselves. That means impeachment and removal from office.

But it doesn’t seem like they are close to that now.


Welcome to BoingBoing! Woohoo!


In general, I really don’t like taking pleasure in others’ misfortune. But this? Two Scoops’ life? It’s nothing more or less than the wheel turning slowly, but grinding nice and fine.
And as a side dish, the inescapable knowledge that he oh so very carefully crafted his own downfall, every day of his life, every time he took the easy way out.
Enjoy your meal, Donnie. You’ve spent a lifetime preparing it, and the whole world is going to watch you choke on it.


will this post be resourced laters… :slight_smile:

Oh he will be re-elected. Only thing he needs to do is wave the US military dick around and the US public, in nationalistic heat, will want to stroke it.


I don’t think the guy will be impeached, but there are signs that his health may be deteriorating. He isn’t having any fun, he sulks, even his rallies are getting such low attendance that the organisers are using creative seating to make them seem bigger.

The other thing to note is that trolling loses its appeal quickly. Voting for the guy to poke the dirty liberals in the eye just isn’t as fun as it used to be. The only reason why people keep at it is akin to addiction, really.

The best way to think of 2018’s blue wave is that it wasn’t the tsunami we hoped it might be, but it was a storm surge that is part of a generally rising tide. And this spells trouble for the guy, as he can see his beachfront property is still there, but the roads are now flooded and his remaining ways out are looking pretty soggy.

For all of his famed ability to luck things out, even his luck is running out.


Shit, sign me up for that action.


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He has repeatedly called for reigning in the press.

Scottie! I need more power!
Ah caana do it, Capn. He’s aboot ta blow!