This cannabis cigar contains 12 grams of weed and costs $420


Yeah, totally agree, still a “premium” priced product.

well, i certainly wouldn’t leave either of you two hanging and would do my part to help! :slight_smile:


Right on.

I once had some cool ass folks wait 3 hours on me and my bestie to spark up a $100 blunt, and those buds were utter AMAZEBALLS…

I’m rather curious to see how one that costs four times that stands up.


I’m curious if I would still be able to stand up. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:



I think in Jamaica this is just your ordinary daily smoke.

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For an ounce? wow. I get that the price has gone up as weed has mainstreamed, but holy fuckballs that modern pricing is expensive.

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the larger one is the THC equivalent of 1.25oz high grade bud. :slight_smile:
i’d like to meet those superheros, maybe they need a sidekick.


The big bambu grows so bold and strong
The big bambu stands so straight and tall
The big bambu pleases one and all

Those that are more knowledgable feel free to smack me but my theory has been that the quality of bud I’ve had is based on random factors more than regional/strain differences. Whether in OR or CA (haven’t bought in WA) Some 8ths I get are fantastic and some are less so. I’m guessing the quality has had more to do with which part of the plant one’s 8th is from and how fresh it is, more than which part of the country you’re in. YMMV.

$420 get it?
4:20 PM??? Nobody?

Bueller, Bueller, Bueller


I know I’m being naive and a reverse snob, but there’s something about the commodification of weed that seems to follow legalization (or decriminalization) that saddens me, and this idea of weed as status symbol makes it all the more worse. Of course, it’s not really different to other subcultures/niche interests that become more widely accepted, and while I don’t begrudge anyone the right to smoke a good smoke I reserve the right to roll my eyes at anyone smoking one of these and telling me it was rolled between the thighs of Tibetan artisans using a time honored technique only known to the Dali Lama’s dealer. FFS, it’s just weed.

Douches will douche, I guess, regardless of the commodity.


That’s some expensive incense. As Kimmo suggests, some people view wasting money as a display of

I really don’t get it. At $20 per gram of buds (too much), and $50 per gram of ‘rosin’ (way too much - butane oil?) and $10 for the leaves (who pays for leaves?) that’s still a $20 rolling fee. I can’t see that as sophisticated. And then to let it sit there and burn for 5 hours? If you’re spending that much at least smoke the shit!


[quote=“redesigned, post:38, topic:104588”]
rosin is extracted without any solvents
[/quote] Ah. My bad, not butane oil then. Better. But still ~$50/g?

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Better than in even “liberal” states on the East that haven’t legalized.

grumble grumble $400/oz grumble

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I see what you did there.


Current price at my local CannaClinic is $10 (Canadian) per gram - regardless of the strain (and they’re all good) - plus sales tax. Paying $420 for a weed stogie is a dirt stupid move, like buying a gold iPhone. This is obviously a product for some duffus with more money than brains.

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Also - when is the BoingBoing store going to start selling BoingBoing Branded BongBongs?


This stuff actually does grow on trees, right? Well, large shrubs, but still, it is bloody easy to grow pot. It flourishes. We should be paying about a dollar on ounce for this stuff. That “cigar” costs about 1000 times that.



My feeling is yes, and no. Easy to grow, but hard to grow with the kind of quality I can purchase from a professional. But hopefully as it becomes more and more legal to be a professional grower that supply side competition will drive prices back to a reasonable levels.