This gun-crazy Trump-loving Nevada gubernatorial candidate has one heck of an ad

It strikes me as highly ironic, too, that she’s going for the Proud Boy votes, but she’s exactly the type of woman they don’t want as mates, what with her high falutin career aspirations and all. :roll_eyes:


Right? “Shall not be abridged.” If they are denying those babies their right to bear arms, they are doing some abridging!!


Nope. For most of them, actually reading, understanding, and applying the bible’s teachings to their lives is far too much work and commitment. They belong to a church that tells them all they have to do is attend, donate, believe, and all their sins are forgiven. Their personal bubble reinforces this, with their friends believing the same, so they never question their faith, not even to the extent of figuring out what exactly their faith is in. They’re told that they’re wealthy because that’s how God rewards his faithful, and that they should have as many children as possible because of an old testament “Got forth and be fruitful” and of the chastisement of Onan for spilling his seed, but that’s about it. Such churches, indeed many denominations, discourage un-moderated readings of the Bible lest the naive reader read things that may confuse them, or that contradict teachings of the sect.


When Republicans talk about “CRT”, they mean any truthful historical teaching about slavery, segregation or white supremacy.


Clearly the War on Christmas is perpetrated by Liberals.



If she’s a calendar girl it’s the Year of the Rat.


She’s a maverick, we’re mavericks!

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“Look, kids, um, we… we accidentally killed Santa Claus. We heard a noise in the middle of the night, and naturally we just started shooting the intruder, and … there’s enough red and white and black to have identified him.
So, we were thinking as we drove back from dumping what was left of the body in the woods… think about it. He was just giving stuff away to everyone, he was basically just a Communist anyway. So we’re gonna make this an American Christmas. When we get back from church, we’re gonna sell you some presents. You’ve been making pocket money all year, here’s your chance to participate in the market. If Jimmy and Tommy both want the same present, then they’re gonna have to bid on it, like God intended.”


I was looking forward to some huge-chested, Trump lady idiot craziness, but it was just a little bit too by-the-numbers really.
I have hopes she’ll do better next time though, because she seems just awful.


“Look Mommie, boot straps!”


Why are all of the women barefoot? Oh, right…


Today in “pictures you can hear”…


GUYS! I was sure I knew this lady’s name and yes, she IS THE LADY WHO BELIEVES CANCER IS A FUNGUS:

Yes, a fungus that can be cured with baking soda and saltwater. AND SHE WANTS TO RUN A STATE! Shouldn’t she be like, one more crazy utterance away from a Baker Act?


For some reason I found myself reading Hunter S Thompson’s 1966 book about the Hell’s Angels. I was struck by the following passage which, as the cliche goes, is even more relevant today than it was then. Thompson had just watched an Angel sell drugs to a teenage kid and mused about the Angels’ world view. (Emphasis added)

"…The roots of this act were not in any time-honored American myth but right beneath my feet in a new kind of society that is only beginning to take shape. To see the Hell’s Angels as caretakers of the old “individualist” tradition “that made this country great” is only a painless way to get around seeing them for what they really are–not some romantic leftover, but the first wave of a future that nothing in our history has prepared us to cope with…their lack of education has not only rendered them completely useless in a highly technical economy, but it has also given them the leisure to cultivate a powerful resentment, and to translate it into a destructive cult which the mass media insist on portraying as a sort of isolated oddity, a temporary phenomenon that will shortly become extinct[…]

Some of those lonely afternoons when you’re fighting a toothache and trying to scrape up a few dollars to pay a traffic fine and the landlord has changed the lock on your door until you pay the back rent […] it helps to believe, when the body rots start to hurt, that the pain is a small price to pay for the higher rewards of being a righteous Angel. A man who has blown all his options can’t afford the luxury of changing his ways. He can’t afford to admit–no matter how often he’s reminded of it–that every day of his life takes him farther down a blind alley…[a man] who believes he got a raw deal before he even knew who was dealing will usually be sympathetic to the mean, vindictive ignorance that colors the Hell’s Angels’ view of humanity. There is not much mental distance between a feeling of having been screwed and the ethic of total retaliation, or at least the kind of random revenge that comes with outraging the public decency."


Ugh, this is bad, politics has been turned into 'rasslin and kayfabe. :confounded:

I mean, maybe under all those enamel american flag blazer pins it was the same 'rasslin and kayfabe before… but it at least pretended to be about y’know, sensible governing?


If you’ve never inadvertently tasted the goop inside a paintball… I don’t recommend it.

I was going to say that there appear to be a lot of shared genes in that picture, and not just because it’s mutigenerational…

But your insult wins.


Mmmm, gun oil.

Bbc Comedy GIF by The QI Elves

Also, the imagery. Bringing the fight to a desert flat? Watch out for snipers, Fiore.


schieß der fenster!