This Lincoln Project ad just keeps getting better

Reasonable people get to disagree about this, but it’s a hill I will choose to die on: “better than” is different from, “not as bad as”. That difference won’t show up on the ballot, and Biden’s got my vote already. But I’m not going along with the Democrat charade that he is the best candidate for the job.


Mr Magoo had way more class and sweet innocence than Hair Twittler, but I see where you are going with that. I keep a list of pet names for lil Donnie, adding a few courtesy of your Mr Magoo analogy

‘president’ Magoo

Malignant Magoo

Magoo Unchained

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He may only be a symptom–say, one tumor among many–but he’s the tumor that will kill us if he’s reelected in November.


Tom Toles sometimes used the name “Mr. Gazoo” to refer to Saint Ronnie, back in the day, disguising the name just enough to avoid legal repercussions.

I particularly liked Quincy Magoo’s performance as Ebenezer Scrooge in a musical version of “A Christmas Carol.” He played it straight, and deserves a place among the immortals for his reading.

ETA: “sometimes”


Maybe a portmanteau of Mr. Magoo & the Great Gazoo?


I also assumed it was a deepfake satire. He really went and talked about it in Tulsa? Jeez! Still, good to know that needling him about his physical frailty gets him to embarrass himself even further. (And no - as many others have made clear - it is not ableist to point out this man’s physical frailties, given the context.)

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‘Biden for president. At least he can navigate a ramp.’

So can a Dalek… hmm…

Davros 2020!


He’s not the only one that will kill us; just the most obvious one. Treat the tumor, but don’t ignore the rest of the cancer, or another tumor with bad hair and a smile will spring up to take his place.


Put “Giant Flaming Meteor” on the ticket, and I think they’ve got a chance!


Take a look at it for yourself. A Daily Kos diarist wrote a diary about it and included pictures.


Oh, I guess you just missed that @anon85524460 talked about BoingBoing in the post I was answering to.

Oh come on, compared to any Republican she is a progressive. Compared to the European political landscape, even Sanders is a moderate social democrat, but hardly progressive.

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OT, but you don’t need to convince me. I saw them once with my oldest in Canberra , sitting on the floor in a primary school hall with about 200 other parents and small kids. Ten years later I took my youngest to see them at a 14,500 capacity arena, and no one can touch them for energy.

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Nobody thinks Biden is the best candidate for the job of president, only that he was the best candidate for the job of candidate. Of the people running, the one who could most capably fix all the problems the current guy created is probably Warren, but for political reasons she won’t be the VP pick.


Compared to Republicans, a piece of wood is “progressive”. The moment you start talking about how progressive your wood is, however, you’ve jumped the shark; wood is not progressive.

Every time someone tries to paint Biden (or HRC) as a progressive, it’s quite simply a bald-faced lie. Leave that to the Trumpkins, please; it’s NOT helping Biden, nor will it in the future. It sets my teeth on edge, frankly, and makes it harder to vote for him each time.

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No one’s stopping you from Jill Steining again.

I never Jill Stein’d once :stuck_out_tongue:

Apparently it’s impossible to change headlines to give proper credit.

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True enough, or even write in a vote for Mickey Mouse. But do you imagine that benefits the Democrats or the country? Yes, offering a candidate that is unsavory to many DOES have costs; we’ll see if it’s too high for both parties, won’t we?

I get that. I really felt the need to correct the info last night because I’ve spent the last two days fighting misinformation about voter suppression in Kentucky on Twitter. :wink:

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