Today's mass shootings


2 dead, 1 critically wounded in shooting at Cal Anderson Park in Seattle


Look, Texas has another solution. Bleeding control stations and requiring all students from 7th grade up be trained to use them.


Sad Meme GIF by Travis


If you live in Texas and want to know what a “red line” for if it’s a good time to leave looks like… teaching 8 year olds to be combat medics is probably it.


This assumes a person can just leave. Please stop telling people to leave places with bad government. Some people can’t and some people could but it would be very difficult and they want to stay to try and help


Real talk; “Leave if you don’t like it!” has never been a viable solution, to any societal problem.


I’m not assuming people can or can’t leave, but I am stating that even if you can’t, if you don’t have red-lines set up for your own personal safety in situations like this, then you’re not paying attention.

I certainly understand not everyone can leave. But I also grew up in a part of the south where my best friend’s father told me directly that if he found out his son was gay, there’d be a “hunting accident.” And I know a few people who had “hunting accidents.” When it comes to them trying to kill us, or putting people’s children in direct danger, there HAS to be a point where escaping is the right move.

If you have children in Texas public schools, and you’re hearing your government say “arm the teachers, possibly arm the students, and teach the students how to be battlefield medics”, yes, staying and fighting is an option. But come on, is it really okay to have an education system teach your kids how to plug massive gunshot wounds on themselves?

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I don’t see why I have to abandon my home to fascists. Some people need to leave if they can- trans kids and their families are very vulnerable. But if every person to the left of fascist leaves, the state just gets worse and that impacts the rest of the damned country. At some point, my family may not be safe. But we are ok now and I am not going to just give up


None of this is ‘okay,’ but leaving simply isn’t an option for many people.

You shouldn’t have to, and the idea that fighting against fascism is somehow ‘impossible’ just because it’s hard needs to die in a fire.

Because you’re right; if one cedes ground to bullies, they just take up more and more space, until there’s nowhere left to run.

There’s a reason the old saying exists; “give an inch, and they’ll take a mile.”


It is not mandatory. The training is offered to students in 7-12th. That is ages 12 through 18.

I don’t think there is a single kid in the US aged 12 through 18 who isn’t already aware and scared of gun violence in schools. For some of them, this training will help with their anxiety. These kids know the danger they live with in this country and I doubt this training, which is voluntary, will hurt most of them further. The latest proposal, to extend that training to the younger kids, that could definitely be harmful to them. When my kid is twelve, we will assess whether they can handle it.

No, I do not think training kids aged 12 or older in bleeding control is a bad thing. It is fucking tragic and heartbreaking but not a bad idea. The bad part, the enraging part, is that this training is useful at all because the GOP and certain segments of the country will not control the guns. That’s what makes this so awful. The state government is willing to pay for training the kids in bleed control but will only increase access to guns. This particular bill was introduced by a Democrat who did it to try and ave lives. Stop the bleed training and kits in schools is the least awful proposal about school shootings. At least that one can do some good.
Every child in every school in the United States is at risk from mass shootings. If that was the tipping point for my family, we would need to leave the country and possibly the continent.

My family does have our red lines for GTFO. We are extremely privileged to even have that possibility, difficult as it would be. No, I am not going to share those lines so you can judge us.
Stop advocating for abandoning entire swaths of our country to fascists. Stop judging my parenting. Both are insulting.


This bill mentioned Grade 3.

Grade 3 is 8 year olds.


I get the confusion. It was entered as grade 7… but they amended it down to grade 3.

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No. The law discussed in the video to which you replied was created by HB 496. The bill was codified as section 30.030 of the Education Code. Text of the bill: 86(R) HB 496 - Enrolled version - Bill Text
That law requires training be offered to students in 7th grade or higher.
There is a proposed bill, which is not mentioned in the video to which you replied, that would amend section 30.030. That proposed bill would require the training be offered for third grade and up. It is HB 1147. That bill has stalled in committee since 3/13/23.
Texas Legislature Online - 88(R) History for HB 1147

Edited to add
HB1147 has not passed the house. It is stalled in committee. It has not reached the senate. There is no companion bill in the senate. The legislature ends in 27 days. That means the law has not been amended and probably won’t be this session


sexy the walking dead GIF

People might know very well when they should get out… as @kii and @Melizmatic noted - it’s a heap of privilege that everyone can just pull up staked and go.

But this is just the other side of the “let’s give the south to the bigots” argument, which ignores that those bigots don’t want one part of the country, they want it all. If they get a firmer toe-hold down here and there aren’t those of us pushing back if possible, then they’ll get the whole thing. Where ever you live might seem safe now, but if those of us who can stay leave for more liberal places, then all of us in the US are at risk for a full fascist takeover.

This is the same shit far too many white people said to Black Americans during Jim Crow…


Tv Land Teacher GIF by Teachers on TV Land


BBC News - Security guard killed in Serbia elementary school shooting


In before gunstrokers crow, “See, other countries have school shootings too! It’s perfectly normal!”

ETA: Make that “other countries have mass shootings too”.

At least eight students and a security guard are dead after a shooting at a school in Serbia’s capital Belgrade.

Another six pupils and a teacher were injured in the attack and have been taken to hospital, the interior ministry said in a statement.

Police arrested a 14-year-old student at the Vladislav Ribnikar school in central Belgrade in connection with Wednesday morning’s attack.

It is the first shooting of its kind in Serbia, the education minster said.


One shooting even though this…

Serbia has a high level of gun ownership following its conflict with Kosovo in the 1990s; a 2018 study found that the country has the third highest level of gun ownership in the world, tied with Montenegro and behind only the US and Yemen.

But the country has strict gun laws and has issued amnesties for owners to hand in or register illegal firearms, meaning that mass shootings are comparatively rare, according to Reuters.

So people can own guns and be ready to defend themselves and thier country without intentionally or accidentally killing each other.

Has the NRA been lying to us.


Serena Williams Applause GIF

I hear you.

And now I understand a bit more from another thread, Rather than regulate guns, Texas seeks to teach battlefield trauma care beginning in the third grade .

If only the really egregious stuff would die in committee or similar…


Both sides of my family “ran” from their home countries.
They ran to the U.S. (mom took a more roundabout route).

I hear you.

In the past few years, I have had direct personal experience with bullies and threats, and a total lack of interest from law enforcement. I can’t say I was surprised to get no help. It was a wake-up call.

At some point, self-care entered my equation.

