TOM THE DANCING BUG, in which Winnie the U.K. gets into a tight place

Edited for tl;dr

If you don’t follow the rules that you get taught in Pooh’s burrow, you will get eaten alive in the Hundred Aker Wood.


This is a post for Pooh-talk. All my arguments can be found in the ‘Brexit Wins’ post here.

Pooh clambered out of the hole into the sunshine and looked around him at the bright blue sky. Although he’d been told many times that he was a bear of very little brain, he knew he was a bear of very big heart. And he was brave. Like the time he’d helped save his friends from the great flood, and the time he’d discovered the North Pole.
He smiled to himself as Tigger bounced out bouncily, blinking in the light, followed by Kanga with Roo at her side, the others peeking their heads out, looking at the great forest beyond.
“It’s going to be a grand day,” he said to his friends as Christopher Robin rushed to greet him. “For Tao is a Pooh-ist.”

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Seems Winnie the Worker wasn’t left much good to choose from. From my perch, Pighumper had been sneering at poor Winnie for quite some time and had condemned him as an ignorant racist long before the vote. Albi promised him some relief, but then denied he ever said it.
Albi may be a complete, duplicitous asshole, but he didn’t openly disregard old Winnie as inferior.
Is it really any wonder why old Winnie went with Albi?

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Why isn’t Canada wearing a toque?


Pooh looks a bit old here to use “innit” as a tag question (I know Pooh’s not old really [I know Pooh doesn’t exist {although he does, in physical form at the NYPL ((and, OK, in the hearts of millions of fans))}]), which I tend to associate with yoofspeak of a few years ago: I’m well busy, innit.


I think that SATW usually gives Finland a toque…


Hockey helmet?


This off-topic, but since others have brought it up…
I just wanted to say that I like inches, feet and miles. They are my friends and I don’t like to hear them being abused.
Thank you.


The Mail have found a French minister Michel Sapin, who they say, says nothing is non-negotiable and we can remain part of the single market without free movement of people. How much difference these days would a return to the previous position of free movement of labour make, as it becomes easier and easier to find a job before moving? But it is still the British not wanting to play by the rules but wanting to play in the game.

I cannot conceive of the Germans ever agreeing to no free movement at all.

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One minor quibble. It should be ‘well tired…innit?’ not ‘right tired…innit?’, imho.


There are 16 ozzes in an lb, except when there are 12.


My dad was a commercial electrician in the IBEW for thirty years. He went to college and got a bachelor’s degree and now works in a shop that does drafting for buildings. Inside wiring stuff.

I probably could work for them. I’ve done it before. Mostly moving machines around.

Anyway he’s very traditional and conservative, and he reckons in pretty much any units. Metric, Imperial, and a lot of more “scientific” ones, like joules, kelvin, moles with his pocket almanac.

BTW: how the hell did “pound” end up being abbreviated as “lb”?


Roman, I think? Libra and uncio, lbs and ounces.


Exactly. Vote Leave to get rid of all those non-British units like the Kelvin, Joule and the Watt, and keep all those honest British units like the livre, the denarius (as in Lsd), the uncio, the milia and degrees Fahrenheit.

At one time British scientists were so resolutely non-nationalistic that when new elements were discovered they got names like Argon, Neon, Krypton, Natrium (sodium) and Kalium (potassium.) We left it up to foreigners and their quaint nationalism to come up with names like Lutetium, Ytterbium (and Terbium, Erbium and Thulium), Americium, Germanium.

How are the once mighty fallen.



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Well, except that Winnie the Worker has been voting for Pighumper for many years, and that Albi the Dragon has been working with Pighumper all this time, to distract Winnie from the fact he is getting the sharp end of the stick.

I can’t stress this enough: Winnie the Worker has been consistently voting against its own self interest. What we are witnessing is a triumph of Pighumper’s propaganda.

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Latin abbreviation of librae. Hence lsd (pounds, shillings and pence) is librae solidi denarii.

I thought LSD stood for something else altogether…