Trump seriously has an emotional, empathy disconnect, I’ve known a few people over the decades like that and they are dangerous when they start to use it as an advantage, they literally do not care what other people think or what is right or wrong, only what they want and what bothers them enough to “steamroll” right over
I mean just imagine if you didn’t have any tether to either the truth or empathy for others, it would be quite an evil advantage over others in society and that’s EXACTLY what we are dealing with someone as the president now
Which is nowhere implicated in the fact that Trump doesn’t want and says he doesn’t have time for a dog. Whether it’s true of Trump, I’d honestly like to think that the President of the United States of America has better things to do than sit around waiting to pick up dog shit two or three times a day, much less spend the amount of time interacting with a dog that is healthy for it.
The truth is that previous Presidents got dogs for their staff in order to burnish their image, which is it’s own kind of shitty.
He didn’t just say he didn’t want a dog. He said the idea would sound “phony” to him. And it’s not like this is the first time people have noted his aversion to pets in general and dogs in particular.
In the end, his dog ownership would come under such intense scrutiny that no matter what he did, I don’t think even Ms. Sanders would be able to keep a positive spin going at all times. Evidently even not owning a dog is already controversial.
He is always saying shit like “Choked like a dog” or “X like a dog” and it leads me to believe he doesn’t understand and like dogs. He is a horrible person who can’t bond with anything but himself.
No stupider than he does any other day of the week ending in “Y”, is my guess.
But he does have a point. The idea of him getting a dog, a creature that would depend on him for love, attention, and care, is as phony as him pledging to be faithful to someone or having children. He has to draw the line somewhere.
And I, for one, appreciate that he’s not willing to inflict himself on a dog.
He said he “wouldn’t mind having one, honestly” (I’m not sure he knows what “honestly” means; whenever he uses it, something nearby is a lie) but doesn’t have time. Things like, golf, or watching TV. You know, the stuff that takes up to 60% of his “working” time as the President.
Also, as has been pointed out above, he wouldn’t be the one taking care of the dog, and for him to have a dog at this point in his life would be phony as fuck. Because he has a long history documenting his distaste for dogs.
I’d honestly like to think we didn’t end up with this horrible human being as our President, yet here we are.
I just think it’s funny that a bright orange man with what appears to be some kind of advanced fungal infection growing from his head, a man who lies constantly, a man who has shown absolutely no sincere interest anything but his own glorification – a con-man like that is worried about looking phony. Why bother now?
You could build a movie around that. And there’s the added irony that DT probably wouldn’t understand his own life story, and why it was sad and pathetic.