I want a president who occasionally lies down on the floor with his or her dog and cuddles it affectionately.
It seems like the only animals he’s interested in are stuffed ones. Remember that pic of him at home with the fam, pre-2016, with Barron atop a taxidermied lion?
Okay, maybe I’m biased, but I don’t like the implied “Not owning a dog makes you odd and not fit to be president” angle.The idea that people would seriously change their vote because someone didn’t own a dog is either insulting the intelligence of the voting public, or a sign that democracy has failed utterly.
Heck, if this had been any other president- someone who didn’t spend all their time on the golf course or watching TV, I would think that “not having time to take care of a dog properly” would be a fairly good line of reasoning. I want the country to be headed by someone who is spending all of their focus on that task, while also having the intelligence to know how that would affect the people (and pets) surrounding them.
I personally just think his excuses are transparently bullshit.
He should just be honest and say he doesn’t like dogs.
He very obviously has plenty of free time. Enough to take care of a dog easily. So much executive hamberder time.
if you want to see something that looks a bit off on the White House lawn… my family actually had a beagle when this occurred, so it kind of stuck with me. Apparently Johnson thought this was not harmful to these animals ( it probably is ).
But can you really call something smarter than you a pet?
Plus he could obviously delegate the feeding, care, cleanup and exercise to staffers even if he didn’t have the time to do it himself. Nobody’s really expecting him to go on pooper scooper duty.
Never mind the dog, he wouldn’t be able to understand it’s leash.
Two unconnected excuses:
I don’t have time
How would I look?
Not my president. Woof! Woof!
As long as it’s not well-done Trump Dog Steaks.
(Maybe I shouldn’t have gone there. But today has been a day of disquieting news in other matters.)
That reminds me of this:
I don’t think anyone thinks he should have a dog.
People are reacting to the way he seems to be framing any dog ownership as transactional and insincere.
It’s like hearing someone’s engaged, and cynically telling them that there’s no such thing as love and it’s all about bank accounts.
That doesn’t mean everyone (or anyone) should get married. But it still tells you something about his worldview in particular.
It’s actually just like when he told that kid it was marginal to believe in Santa Claus. It’s trivial (maybe not to the kid, I guess), but it shows what he thinks of some pretty ordinary stuff.
It’s not that he doesn’t want a pet that’s the issue.
It’s that he seems utterly incapable of caring about anyone or anything besides himself.
Never mind the fact that the excuse that he ‘doesn’t have the time’ is an obvious lie, judging by the leaked schedule.
Not everyone is an ‘animal person’, and that’s fine.
But 45 is a horrible fucking excuse for a ‘person-person,’ and the fact that you don’t want pets yourself is a piss-poor reason to defend him, even slightly.
Every election campaign, I always think it’s a big missed opportunity that politicians aren’t asked some form of;
“You’re in the mall and find a crying five-year-old. What do you say to help them out.”;
just to find out if they have the most basic veneer of human empathy.
Well, he does adore FOX and gives it all of his time. Maybe one canid is as good as another?
He doesn’t have any love for anyone who isn’t Donald J. Trump
Yes he would. He’s spent decades on all fours with Russian criminals holding a leash on him
You just know he’d make Barron clean up the poops with a plastic bag. Trump’s never cleaned up anything.