Trump imagines reaction by George Floyd (who is dead) to jobs numbers: 'This is a great day for him, it’s a great day for everybody'

Did you read the transcript? Trump spoke for 40 minutes.


Again, the (likely inflated) jobs report is the only part of Trump’s speech that could reasonably be interpreted as reason to state “this is a great day” for anyone.

“This is a great, great day in terms of equality” makes no sense because Trump didn’t offer any evidence that People of Color have reason to believe that today marked any great victory in the fight for equality.


Immediately after praising the military response to peaceful protests, in which yet more POC have been killed by police, and immediately before telling Yamiche Alcindor to shush, and overlooking that unemployment increased for African and Latinx Americans.

Wait, who’s distorting things here?


If you believe that he believes that verbage, I have a great slightly used bridge for sale…


Given the opportunity to correct someone who took his invocation of George Floyd as an exaltation of his job numbers, Trump declined.


(the best part is this isn’t photoshopped)


How the fuck does a statement of the obvious - an obvious that has been traduced, transgressed and basically ignored for years - make today, specifically, a great day for a dead man?



MP Shock GIF


“What happened last week” could be Chauvin murdering Floyd or it could be the protests or the “looting” or it could be some other thing he’s thinking of, because he does not tell us what he means by it. All we know is “we can’t let that happen.”

Is the thing that we can’t let happen also “a great thing that’s happening for our country”? The text seems to say so, but that’s so absurd that we’re overwhelmed by an impulse to rewrite his words so they make more sense. Our minds demand that we invent a new “this” that he must be referring to, a “this” that is different from the “that” he was just talking about, neither of which he actually specifies for us. And that “this” can be anything you want. Make something up that makes sense.

So yes, this article could be “corrected” to be less “inflammatory” if we make shit up for Trump’s benefit.

Go for it.


“It’s a great day for everybody” vs. “Why is there a fence around the White House?”


What Trump said:

“Equal justice under the law must mean that every American receives equal treatment in every encounter with law enforcement, regardless of race, color, gender or creed, they have to receive fair treatment from law enforcement. They have to receive it. We all saw what happened last week. We can’t let that happen. Hopefully George is looking down right now and saying, “This is a great thing that’s happening for our country.” This is a great day for him. It’s a great day for everybody. This is a great day for everybody. This is a great, great day in terms of equality. It’s really what our constitution requires and it’s what our country is all about.”

George Floyd is dead. It’s not a “great day” for him and he’s not looking down. Since Trump can’t speak coherently, so he definitely shouldn’t speak about George Floyd. Frankly, it’s extremely offensive.


Mr Floyd was unavailable for comment.


Or was he?


The real estate swindler who wants to date his daughter is still [murdering] George Floyd. Claiming George’s memory, after knowing of his murder and the abuse of corpse.

Trump is a blackhole; his ego is so huge, nothing can escape it beyond the random noise of Hawking Radiation.


The downside is the Tom Baker has been arrested after his scarf was photographed in a surveilled area.


NPR just played that whole quote on the radio

All Tamara Keith could say at the end was, “It’s not clear what he meant”


I basically agree with you.
My point is very narrow and specific. It is wrong and risky to twist that quote as about police numbers, without mentioning that immediately before and afterwards he was talking about constitutional rights.
There is plenty evidence of who he is.
Sloppy journalism helps, not hinders, his chance of a second term.

So how is today any better for black people? Well, I guess Trump didn’t personally order any black people be tear-gassed today. That’s better. But it’s early, yet.


our constitutional rights are all fixed now /s