Context is everything when it comes to racism and you are literally taking the insult and saying it meant exactly the opposite of what he attempted. I’m not remotely convinced his supporters aren’t completely aware of that.
Those would definitely be racist. And I do concede that invoking the “Pocahontas” character in particular is a bit offensive.
Maybe, my quotes are consistent.
It was based off a family history which may or may not be accurate. I don’t know enough to venture a guess as to whether is was probably accurate or probably inaccurate.
Racism doesn’t depend on what you “attempt.” If his intent was to say she wasn’t REALLY a native-american, he probably should’ve said that. Since what he ACTUALLY did was call her “Pocahontas,” there’s no point in playing Internet Psychic and imagining a world where he accurately conveyed his inner intentions. What he did was say something racist and inspire racists to join him in saying racist things.
If that doesn’t reflect his true inner intentions, maybe he’d be better off keeping his steak-hole zipped and thinking about the words that are coming out of his mouth?
Or maybe it DOES reflect his inner intentions and all the preamble was just obfuscating smoke so someone somewhere can claim that he wasn’t REALLY being racist.
I guess? I mean, I grew up having to hear all the different P***** jokes (and the D*** jokes cause I’m Italian on the other side of the family) and that was back in the eighties and nineties.
She doesn’t look remotely native, the only reason anyone knows she claimed a native ancestor is because it became a campaign issue in 2012.
Honestly I don’t see how anyone could hear Trump call her “Pocahontas” and think he was insulting her native ancestry. Everything points to him making fun of the idea that she had claimed native ancestry.
She doesn’t look remotely native? Is there a look that people who are part Native American must have or be suspect?
It was a racist dog-whistle during the 2012 senate campaign, too, tied up with Affirmative Action and working-class white politics in MA.
It’s because, regardless of intent, calling someone “Pocahontas” isn’t saying they aren’t really native American. It’s saying they ARE really Native American, and thus are fit to be mocked and reduced to stereotypes. That’s what it is actually doing in the real world.
If that’s not what Trump wanted, then he done goofed.
But there’s reason to believe that this IS what Trump wanted, given that he’s been an outright racist whose campaign has embraced racism since Day. Fucking. One.
No amount of “It’s obvious that isn’t what he was doing!” wags the dog into believing that isn’t what he was doing.
The racists - ever-perceptive for the dog whistle - heard it. And so did the people who think racists are shitty.
I once had a blonde-haired/blue-eyed girlfriend who was a quarter Cherokee with very northern-european-ish facial features. Judging native ancestry by appearances doesn’t work.
I think you’re right about that probably being what he was trying to do. However, the way he did it was still through a racist joke, as has been explained elsewhere. These aren’t mutually exclusive things.
It doesn’t matter and I’m honestly surprised that you’re not sore from all the mental aerobics you’ve been engaging in.
Either way, it’s a derogatory insult.
If by some chance EW is some tiny percentage Indigenous, it’s offensive and bigoted.
If Warren isn’t anywhere near that claim genetically, it still doesn’t matter because instead of addressing the claim as fraudulent, the man made a call to racism, intentionally invoking it from his audience.
How he’s being divisive, insulting and rabble-rousing doesn’t make a bit of difference; it’s the fact that he’s doing it all.
The presidential election is not an elementary school playground.
As I understand it his followers feel like they have become a minority, “everybody gets special treatment but us!” Maybe he should start making fun of white people.
My nephews are dark blonde and have blue eyes and are 1/16th NA. There mom is one-eighth and looks like them, but with super fair skin. I don’t know if someone’s looks are an indicator of NA ancestry.
Considering all the 'intermingling" that’s happened on this continent over the last 4 centuries, I’d say that looks alone are a really unreliable indicator of ancestry in general.
And don’t we all really want a President that will lead the country full steam ahead?
For decades we’ve been foundering, a little neo-left, a little neo-right, and where has it gotten us? “Hope and Change” turned into more incremental mediocrity, more war, more income disparity, and Hillary promises more of the same.
There was a time when a President could lead this country. When a President could say “We choose to go to the moon. We choose to go to the moon in this decade and do the other things, not because they are easy, but because they are hard…” And by god we did it!
We have a candidate who will go “full speed ahead!” and I say “Damn the torpedoes, damn them!” I say. Damn them all to Hell!
When I used to do political cartoons, my ideal was pure, native, visual commentary. No words required. Essentially, the opposite of the apparent standard for most syndicated opinion page cartoons today. So it’s really exciting when I see someone absolutely nail it like Monahan did here.
Kal Kallaugher does this on a regular basis and I love (and envy) him for it.