Trump just fired FBI director James Comey

No, an honestly ignorant one; I can say I’ve never seen or heard of Clarke before now. NO, really!

ha, I’m just jerkin yer bobber!

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I thought more like:


Not a good time to do it, okay? Sheezus pleezus, isn’t there enough bobber-jerkin’ going on in the world now?

“I think you’ll find escape is unpossible. We’ve taken every precau – ow! fucking cat, don’t bite me when I’m petting you – precaution…”

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So when does he want the cat to bite him?

Um, on second thought, please don’t answer that question.


It is just impeachments all the way down.

I was watching something on the Einsatzgruppen and the eventual Nuremberg trials the other day. The film had mentioned that part of the reason the number of NAZIs that were arrested for war crimes was so much larger than the number of NAZIs tried for war crimes was because: the courtroom could only hold so many people.

Ferencz’s biggest challenge was how to handle the huge body of evidence against the approximately 3,000 Einsatzgruppen members, who had methodically committed mass murder in the days before the death camps industrialized killing. He chose the most senior and best-educated SS officers to put on trial since it was impossible to prosecute all the members. For starters, the Nuremberg courtroom had only 24 seats in the defendants’ dock; noted Ferencz, “justice is always imperfect.” Of the original 24 he selected to prosecute, one committed suicide before the trial and another died shortly later due to poor health. That left 22.

Not that I am comparing Trump and his cohorts to NAZIs or anything. But I’m all for building an especially big fucking courtroom.


And after Pence, Ryan? I mean… Yay.


I think it’s Orrin Hatch (president pro tem of the Senate) after Pence. But whatever.

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According to wiki, it’s a long horrible conga.


In making a big show of playing both sides and being the “defender of truth” or whatever he thought he was doing, Comey ended up being hated by pretty much everybody. Sessions isn’t wrong: Comey was a terrible FBI Director. But folks like Chuck Schumer aren’t defending him as a person. They’re saying that abruptly firing the person leading the Russia investigation two days before he was supposed to testify, and one day before Trump’s meeting with the Russian Foreign Minister, is a terrible idea by any measure.


I keep hoping that someone within the FBI will decide to go full-Snowden and leak damaging stuff if Trump tries to pressure the agency to stop its Russia investigation.

Long shot, I know.


Most of that list makes my skin crawl. If we can get to Mattis, he might have the integrity to go into caretaker president mode, in which he wakes up each morning, asks if the country is still there, and once reassured promptly goes back to sleep. If we overshoot and get Sessions, we are of course beyond fucked.



What the ever-loving fuck?


Petty git president.


From the guy that wants to expand libel laws.


Amazing that he’s still assigning nicknames like a schoolyard bully. Well, I guess it’s not amazing, given what a dick he clearly is. But really, does he not have ANY sensible advisors, that he actually listens to?


“Just the place for a Snark! I have said it twice:
That alone should encourage the crew.
Just the place for a Snark! I have said it thrice:
What I tell you three times is true.”


I remember a time when a sitting President taunting his political adversaries with childish nicknames like “Richie” and “Cryin’ Chuck” would have been a full-fledged political scandal in and of itself. Now it’s just part of the nation’s daily breakfast routine.