Two GOP lawmakers: "It's time for Jeff Sessions to go"

Cinematically speaking, it reminds me of the end of “Reservoir Dogs”…

Someone needs to blow an exhale of the most fine California Mendocino weed in Jeff’s face.

Then the 12 year old girl suing him for not allowing CBD’s for severe epilepsy confronts him

Get him stoned before his next congressional testimony.

Sessions is a confederate monument to be felled, a symbol of the worst of the worst.


Unlike your typical Trumpeter, Sessions is an experienced politician and a competent lawyer. He’s a horrible, bigoted travesty of a human being, but he’s not stupid. I assume he recused himself because he realized he was already involved in the Russian mess, and his absolute best option at that point was to make sure he won’t be embroiled any worse. That explains his “Can’t recall” responses to Congressional questioning, too: his main objective is making sure he doesn’t incriminate or implicate himself any more.


Session will be gone, it’s not just overreaching on Weed.
He’s in favor of everything wrong,
civil forfeiture,prison sentences, drug policy,
He’s a dead horse beating a dead horse and deserves to be put out to pasture. A nice retirement home in Dubai with Cheney Incorporated that resemble a prison cell black site in suburbia but provides hostess twinkies as the only food.

Constipation the final punishment


Maybe they mean the FBI is the best in the world at being shit?

No, still doesn’t really work does it?

Appeasing tRumph’s brinkmanship, and that of his cronies and installed “anti’s” will result in the assured destruction of our legislative system. It already has in so many ways.
We must insist against and resist all of these moves they are making - Drill everywhere, jail everyone in private prisons, send the poor because they can’t pay their fines, cut educational funds, discard DACA, lies, lies and more lies from the mouth of this so called president.
What even more disturbing to me is that the media and the public in general has started to accept it, by saying, “oh, that’s just tRumph being tRumph”.
I say NO.


No, he looks like Gollum.

This is primarily coming out of the those extreme right blocks. What my dad calls the Roy Moore caucus. Your freedom caucus, house GOP, Tea Party guys. Their base such as it is. Are those rabidly ideological culture warriors. Relentlessly pro Trump. posturing over headlines is sort of their thing.

As is not making any sense.

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It’s interesting how now some of the GOP are turning on Sessions all to keep the White House. I hate to tell them but having a stooge take orders from Trump means there will be a reason to dig into Trump’s history. And it won’t be through legal means. Meaning leaks that ultimately lead to Trump and his friends own ledgers, legal documents, and the like out in the wild. No due process, no confidentiality, and no way take it back. They really need to think hard (really hard) on whether they want a mob of citizens voting them out of office and maybe they’ll do worse things than voting too (who knows what’s going to happen in the next 20 years). It’s like most can’t think beyond a week with respect to their actions I swear.

You and Sen. Booker are talking complete sense.

Senators and Representatives, uniquely among all Americans, are positioned to reduce drug “crimes” by changing the law.


They could eliminate drug crimes overnight!


And that’s why I would flunk Sen. Cory Gardner ® from high school civics.

Hey Senator!! You don’t like it that marijuana is a schedule I drug? Your job is not to whine because the AG is enforcing the law. Your job is to fix the problem by amending the god-damned law.


Federal drug crimes should be a non-thing. Any state wants to pass a law decriminalizing pot (or LSD or meth or heroin for that matter), it’s that state’s prerogative

One of the problems of having a legislative body with members whose age is so far from the average age of its constituents is that they are always implementing the policies of two generations ago. We really do need term and age limits for congress.

(Edit - this would also help with the gerrymandering that so many here are complaining about. Remove “how do I make sure I get re-elected” from the thought process and watch.)

We appear to be in violent agreement.

Since I woke up to politics around age 20 or so, I have constantly been in awe how these white old men who are approaching their final moments alive are running everything and ruining it, too. It’s been astounding for decades how consistent this is. These guys are so old, many of whom won’t even live long enough to see the short term effects of their actions. They are telling everyone else how to live their lives as if their opinion matters more than all the progress we’ve made, all the things we now know to be true… yet their thoughts are what is implemented in law and rules the day. We are not living in a simple oligarchy. It’s a gerontocracy/oligarchy. With a few exceptions, the way this country is run is how old white dudes say it should be.

It’s sick. And it’s always been this way.

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I don’t think that the old black guys, or the old women, do any better. Other than that we agree.

I can’t imagine that anyone, regardless of race, gender, or political philosophy, thinks it’s a good idea to have a legislature made up of lifetime or near-lifetime incumbents.

I think old ladies and old black people are generally more aware of the tyranny of the OWDs. They’ve lived through it. But what’s more, they are so rare in Congress that their influence is limited anyways. I’d take a government filled with old women and old black people ANYDAY, compared to what we have now. Throw in a few old gays and a few old Asians and Mexicans. Anything to reduce the majority of these old white farts.

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Hi from Michigan! Where our districts are extremely Gerrymandered, and all our state-level congresscritters/governor are term-limited. The GOP has been operating as party over country for quite some time now, term limits haven’t changed how they operate here.


Term limits do very little to help the gerrymandering problem and may make the problem worse. Maximizing races without an incumbent means more races rely on the resources of a party. A strong party has an incentive to ensure that they back members who will grant support to people who will carry forward the party banner, including increasing a structural advantage for their successor.

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