I think this pretty clearly falls under the first amendment, and there’s plenty of legal precedent that, in simplified terms, doing it just to be obnoxious falls under free expression even if doing it out of prurient interest might not. (Not saying that I think it’s obnoxious, or that I don’t think it’s totally awesome, but it’s hard to argue that the intent is anything other than getting people riled up, which almost always falls under the first amendment.)
There are things in this world that are worse than vertical video. The horror.
These student organisms embody ALL THE KINDS OF WIN!
[quote=“saf, post:8, topic:67349, full:true”]
I continue to point out that while I may not agree with it, the constitution guarantees the right to bear arms. There is no such guarantee for dildos.[/quote]
What about dildos that are large enough that they can be used to bludgeon an attacker?
Until we amend the constitution we don’t have a legal right to tell people they can’t have guns.[/quote]
So my 5 year old nephew should be able to walk into the Sporting Goods section at Wal-Mart and walk out with a rifle that may be longer than he is tall?
[quote] But there is no reason the government can’t ban public display of dildos if it deems it offensive to community standards.
On the other hand even if guns were deemed offensive, they would still be protected.[/quote]
So how about a dildo that emitted a “projectile” – would that count as a gun for purposes of the Second Amendment?
They both have their merits.
[quote=“logruszed, post:22, topic:67349, full:true”]
Split the difference: get a dildo bat or a dildo billy club. See if the engineering students can make a man-portable dildo cannon.[/quote]
Sure. Use the same principles as a potato gun, just with a larger projectile. If you’re lucky
Aristophanes would approve.
As always in the United States: Violence GOOD. Sex BAD!
I think this is another example of doing something, even something useless or counterproductive, to make yourself feel better.
Sure there is: It’s called the First Amendment.
Sure we can: It’s called judicial repudiation, when the SCOTUS overrules itself.
I’ll leave to open carry dildos for youngsters.
I intend to carry around a tupperware container of rotting Ebola infected meat. Don’t worry, I know what I’m doing. The lid is on properly. It is clearly labelled with a inkjet printed sticker.
And it’s NOT for personal protection. Don’t start that line of argument. I have the right to protect myself from an Oppressive Government. I have the right to unleash biological warfare to defend my family’s freedom.
The rhythm of that gif loop grows disturbing in this context.
I was going to bring my toys, but Housekeeping confiscated them.
Is this the thought?: in the face of an armed assailant I would run away flailing my arms, and I know everyone else would too. by bringing this dildo to class with me, I will be showing solidarity with my classmates who will totally understand where I am coming from.
the level of intolerance for the exercise of one’s constitutional right on display here, and in this thread, is appalling.
name me some other groups in the country who, in the course of exercising a hard-fought civil right, are subject to such mockery and derision. there are plenty of examples, and they aren’t pretty.
tolerance is not always easy.
peace not war. love over hate.
And you can make an adorable sweater for it
Anybody else getting the Join NRA advertisements on this article? Jokes on them, I’m in Australia. Clearly their ad provider sucks at geocoding.