What, me Coronavirus worry? Spring Breakers refuse to quit partying in Miami

Ah, yes! The reigning champion “Most Punchable Face Dude” has a new contestant…
Brady Sluder!


So now they’re anti-Voxxers.


Hey Brady Sluder, it’s a call for you from a Mr. Darwin.


Their parents must be so proud.


The stage they’re at in brain development. Very hard nut to crack.


I think the media is doing that enough for everyone. I’m not taking unnecessary risks, but at the same time I’m not isolating myself. It’s my parents choice if they want an increased level of exposure. Beyond the economic impact, social dynamic changes, mass layoffs and business closures what’s the realistic long term plan? Is it to shut down the entire country until a working vaccine is found? Hope that summer takes it out? I feel that a full shutdown extending past a month leads into a very dangerous territory. If food becomes scarce and critical supply chains are disrupted the ensuing chaos will claim more lives than this virus will. Given a choice between living in a Mad Max future hellscape and potentially contracting Covid-19, I think exposure to the latter has a lower risk of death.

I’m not really sure what you are reading into my original comment that makes you think I’m out setting up mass gatherings of people. I was simply pointing out that at my parents age they have a realization that they more susceptible to this virus, but even with that their time here is also waning. I don’t really see how me bringing over their grandchildren puts anyone else at major risk besides them. And if we are going all six degrees of Kevin Bacon, because my father is going to the grocery store, then everyone who is not 100% isolated is at risk.

Then you are putting others at risk. Full stop.

they are putting others at risk and if they get sick, putting strain on the health system that is already nine ways to fucked.

I suppose that a mass die off will be good for the economy… /s

We should have done what S. Korea did once the first case emerged. We did not, because we have a a president who only cares about himself and a system that is cruel and inhuman.

That assumes that everyone is selfish and wants to live in a mad max hellscape. OR, we put pressure on our government to be proactive NOW and take personal responsibility that it does not spread further.

You do what you like. But don’t then go out and spread it to others.

You could go for him, as you’re less likely to die of it.


This begs the question, why the fuck did Miami not close down the beaches and hotels?


No. It won’t take that. It will take 2-4 weeks of social distancing, as tests are deployed and people get tested. People who are positive will need to isolate longer; and everyone else will need to support them. Meanwhile, as testing starts to approach 100%, we can start getting back to normal(-ish).

But what your post fails to accommodate is that every fucking hour of social distancing for everyone is what will keep this from leading to the very Mad Max hellscape you’re worried about.



This story was too easy. You know it isn’t nice to ridicule morons.

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What you should be asking is why weren’t these cities closing down beaches and hotels like every other resort cities in the country?

These kids shouldn’t have been able to hold the parties in the first place. One expects college students to be irresponsible morons. The towns should not be enabling their dangerous stupidity


It’s clear we are heading for full lockdown. Find an essential service to perform.

Imagine what it must have felt like, for the early proponants of germ theory to try to convince doctors to wash their hands after an autopsy.

Invisible things that can kill you? That takes imagination. And not the fun kind of imagination, where you window shop with all the money you’ll hypothetically win in the lottery. The other kind, where you get to imagine what could possibly go wrong.

In my worst case imagination, we are sending kids to colleges that don’t exercise their imaginations at all, except to think of all the fun they can have.

This has been coming a long time. I hope we learn the lessons for real.


Didn’t know. I’ve recently binge watched the Kung Fu Panda movies and I was thinking about Master Shifu.

Note that they are considering surgeries to remove slow-growing cancer as “elective” at this point.


The socially responsible thing to do is assume that we are already infected and need to take action to avoid spreading the virus to others.

Whether your parents fear for their own health or not, refusing to self-isolate puts other people at risk.


I can walk down the street naked, because it’s my choice if I want an increased level of exposure



I’m sorry, but I don’t see this as an either-or scenario. Willingly exposing yourself to the virus will spread it to others unless you immediately self-quarantine after exposure, some of those you expose after not self-quarantining will die, those who don’t are still out of commission for up to 3 weeks depending on how it hits them (after up to two weeks of spreading it around themselves), things get disrupted no matter what because the world doesn’t stop turning, jobs are lost, companies fold, people panic, hellscape.


Are you familiar with the localized social dynamics and leadership of Daytona Beach and Miami Beach? I ask because you sound quite certain that Dublin is somehow directly comparable.