Where it all went wrong for the Fedora

I find that the tour guides around Boston who wear period costume don’t usually look like they’re wearing costumes exactly because their costumes are well-made.

In fact, some of the tricorners look right smart.


[quote=“Miramon, post:5, topic:63007”]
Almost no one in the US wears fedoras.[/quote]
I love them, and they help keep the sun off my shiny chrome dome. But it’s hard to find a decent one that doesn’t cost > $100 and is available in larger sizes. :frowning:

And the one thing I love about Texas is that I can wear a straw cowboy hat everywhere and nobody even looks twice at it. :smile:


You’re going to have to argue with the hat experts quoted in the article, not me. Their point was that all these various hats are technically fedoras according to the original usage, not the modern bastardization of the term. One particular style (relatively recently) became commonly known as the fedora, but they’re all descended from the original. If you look, historically, at what was called a fedora, this seems to be true.
Sorry, fedora-wearer!


He rocks that lid in a particularly rakish fashion.


“Hey, it’s no fair when you guys do it!”



While that did make me giggle, ummm NO.


Beats me. I’m gonna wear a wide brimmed hat when it’s bright out. No social statements. No nothing. I don’t need both the ‘cool’ people AND other random internet freaks judging me.

This frankly comes off as 'I feel like crap so I’m going to fling poo at other people’s fashion choices.



I have a million more bad ideas where that one came from…


I wear that as my go-to fishing hat to this day! They do tend to take on a stink though…

Is it just me? That JPEG has a surprisingly 3D look to it on my monitor.


It’s the 3D version. You can buy a 2D one for cheap, but it only looks good from the front and the back.


I swear, it looks like I can reach out and touch the weave. Anyway, I have a couple of hats like that, only without the brim and the fake dreads. I’d totally wear one with a brim. They’re quite comfortable, and handy to stuff my shaggy mane under when I’ve got the top down.


I’ll go with with “no”, but, I am a geologist and sunburn easily and was in the desert so it was a functional thing.

I retired that hat and have one similar in appearance to the filson that was posted except it was made in Australia of kangaroo leather (I took it from my dad). I haven’t really needed to wear it (though I have been to the desert some more) so I’m not confident about it yet. Hats are a funny thing these days. I think part of the reason some people are hat people and some aren’t is that hats are way harder to find that actually fit correctly - especially if you have a big head like me - and most people don’t wear the right size (and don’t have a good sense of what proportions work for them in terms of style, too).


Quick poll: for those who do wear brimmed hats, why do you wear them? Fashion? Sun? Inclement weather?

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For me yes this. Sun protection for the top of the head mostly with keeping the rain off my glasses is a bonus.

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Came to say this. My Tilley has gone damned near everywhere I have, and it just gets better with age. I rave about it to friends. I soak it before hot walks and it wicks very nicely. I’ve rafted down rivers with it to great effect. I rest it on the bridge of my nose to sleep in the wild.

It’s my version of an Adamsian towel. Get a good one. Know where it is. Take it everywhere.


Sun protection for my pate, ears, and neck.

As a 7 7/8ths hat wearer, there are no hats I’ve found under a couple hundo that are anywhere near “fashionable” when worn by me. My current hat is a floppy faux-straw cowboy hat that was $50 bucks. Even XXL hats typically only go up to 7 1/4 - 7 1/2.


7 7/8+ here too. Years ago I had one decent hat, a wide brim felt, walterproofed and crushable piece. Saved my neck and forehead from a hundred sunburns.

Lost it in a move :frowning:


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