Who's watching the GOP debate tonight?

And no one wants her as president, either… ugh. it was a nice run, America… right? We never got out of our racist/sexist period, but we did give the world rock and roll and comic books…


Pitching to civil libertarians in the GOP and elsewhere should be the dems southern strategy.

No. nonononononono.

i’ll take the utter batshit insanity that is rand over that corporate kleptomania.


I dunno. Between Zeppelin and the Who and Sabbath and the Beatles and Motorhead and Maiden, I’m inclined to say

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it isn’t a bad idea. that is how senator Wyden has got such a rabid base. “huh, personal liberties plus a solid social safety net? A+, would vote again.”

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Jeb surprised me–I thought he had his shit together more than, “vote for me, whenever that whole thing happens”. Christie just wants to wave around a Piece of The Original Twin Towers After 9/11. Trump–blowhard panderer who says nothing but says it loudly, and I bet he’s going to drop off quickly now.

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I assume those are all the foreign policy/military ones?

do i have a face punch gif…?

i did say utter batshit insanity, right? perhaps i should add misogynistic racist to that as well? (still better than cruz, rubio, or huckabee)

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Yeah, but they lifted that straight from the intersection of the Delta, Memphis, and Appalachia… Without that, there’s not Zepplin, Who, Sabbath, Beatles, Motorhead, and Maiden…


Ugh… how bad is it that we have to make that distinction…

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nsa, not extending personhood to corporations, etc. that sort of thing. not foreign policy, my dog knows more about foreign policy than he does.

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Muddy Waters 2016?


Well, sure. But it warn’t rock & roll yet. Still, your point is well taken.

I had our showrunner wander by a 1/2 hour ago while my assistant and I were watching Amy Schumer’s interview on Ellen from a couple months ago. He asked if we were watching the debate. I confess I laughed in his face.

I can’t imagine a more depressing waste of my evening. I’ll bemoan the nation’s prospects next summer, thanks.


Leadbelly 2016?


You are not the only one. I am torn between going whee trainwreck and wait this is what a significant percentage of americans vote for… but alas only the internet for my video watching…
So I am watching a dumb sci fi comedy with Hans Conried instead.

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it is very bad. but there is nothing illegal, unethical, or immoral in temporarily changing your party status during primaries, then changing them before the general election. i am very worried that the ‘Trump Strategy’, if it backfired, might force us all to decorate out homes in cheap brass and knockoff italian statues (it’s classy!)


Or move. We could all move, right? Doesn’t ireland want her refugees back by now?


No, he said that social security is funded by wages … so rich people who live off dividends and capital gains don’t pay into it since they aren’t making wages, and people who get paid off the books like prostitutes and pimps don’t pay into it. But yeah, pimps!