Will Clinton "Finish Him" at third debate?

It is not even that so much. Obama was disappointing, but still seemed to do the best he could…

The issue is the batshit crazy fuckers who currently hold Congress & the Senate, who were so petulant about Obama that they were fine with shutting the government down because reasons.

It’s kind of driven home how powerful the President is, while at the same time how powerless the position really can be. I mean, on the one hand, he (or soon she) can issue an executive order to kill anyone, anywhere (and we foreigners have a bit of an issue with that, actually). On the other, Scalia’s been mercifully dead for months and still can’t be replaced.

So hopefully the Trump Travelling Circus doesn’t distract from getting rid of those Tea Party pig-fluffers as well. That’s almost more important. Oh, and don’t forget 2018 :slight_smile: