Woman has third breast implanted

But what to do when “not hard enough” and “too hard” ranges overlap?

I don’t think it’s that straightforward. People who are asexual will date and even marry, they just don’t have sex in their relationships.


Just when I thought it was wearing off…thank you for reenforcing my homosexuality…


So you’re saying that she’s “nuts” and being judgmental and what that means is that you apparently think that you get to decide what counts as “sane” behavior for her and I don’t think anyone gave you permission to do that, especially her. So the compassionate, understanding thing to do would be to stop trying to call people whose life choices you disagree with crazy and maybe try to educate yourself about them instead of dismissively judging them.

Y’know, that’s an alternative to being judgmental and pejorative. If you’d maybe like to stop being that. Just pointing out that you have a choice here.

Any statement that contains the phrase “her body is for us” can’t help but be completely illegitimate, because there is no context in which that phrase is ever actually legitimate. And there’s also no context in which that phrase isn’t kind of disturbing.

Some of any population have mental issues. The point is that getting a third tit doesn’t automatically make you crazy any more than getting your dick pierced makes you automatically crazy or any more than getting a tatoo of a butterfly on your ankle makes you crazy. Sane people are capable of doing all those things.


I accept that in the future as we each become little demigods things are going to get weird, in ways and directions I would never have considered on my own. I accept that it will sometimes scare me, and that that doesn’t make it wrong. There are certainly things I would consider changing about myself, though they are definitely subtler (at least visually) than much of what today’s body mod community looks for.

But for $Deity’s sake, if we want the future to not blow up in our faces we need to put locks on the really extreme (relative to then-current norms) options. It’s like fantasy stories that make really powerful magic require permanent sacrifices - you should have to think, and pass some test of competency, to be able to access those kinds of significant choices.

On a lighter note, you know who could really use this technology?

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You never go full Total Recall.


You’re opening up the whole identitfies-as-a-furry can of worms, here.

Do you really want to go that route?

After four hours, I think you are supposed to contact your physician.


Unless you find that all your Schwarzenegger action figures are faulty.


I should have thought of that. Instead , I just had my surgeon adding Neuticles until my scrotum achieved that “sack of grapes” look I was going for.


Then all you end up is a bunch of lockpickers, doing that for themselves, for others, for principle, or for fun. As one I can attest to that.

Who usurps the authority to say what’s too extreme?

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i see what you did there.

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After a few months of unwanted attention: “Hellooo… my eyes are up here!!”


Brainspore, you just won this thread.

Right. Because body modification for the purpose of conforming to beauty standards? Perfectly normal! Cosmetic surgery which mocks those standards? MEDICAL PROBLEM.


Unattractive to men. Doesn’t know how men work. But, aside from that… this is pretty cool.

Poem about tits.

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This seems apposite:

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What if this starts some sort of “arms” race? I imagine that Ms Selter is contacting Dr. Alphonse Mephesto as I type…

Dr. Mephesto made many genetic animals such like, the four (later five) -assed monkey, a four-assed ostrich, a four-assed mongoose

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Actually, when god created woman she had three breasts. After a while the woman asked god to remove the middle one because it served no good purpose. After the surgery the woman asked god “what shall we do with this useless boob?” So god created man.