Woman uses keys to fight off man who pulled off her head scarf and grabbed her

Its a very sad sign of the times that everyone immediately leaps to the not unwarranted conclusion he’s a nazi, in need of beating and mocking, and not a mentally ill person, in need of medical care. (Its another distressing sign of the times that both nazis and mentally ill people so rarely get what they need, respectively.)

Heck, he may well be both. Anyway, I’m all down with punching and mocking nazis. Mentally ill people, not so much. And I’m not sure that its ok to use derogatory names for mentally ill people as insults, even on nazis.

Goddamn nazis have gone and given mental illness a bad name I guess.

Mental health issues are no excuse for luring people into your house to choke them. I think it’s more a sign of the times that we understand that there is no reason to assume violent people have mental health issues. Most violent people don’t.


Consider a key, quickly placed between two fingers with no time to be careful about orientation, going back and forth in what we could call a sawing motion against the sides of one’s fingers at best and against the flaps between fingers at worst. Better is to have a few sticking out opposite the thumb.

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‘Woman fights man off with keys’ was what should have been written. You are right. As written it does say the man had the keys. Preposition position matters.

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Other accounts make it clear that he tried to strangle her. Normally that would be a felony.
Good for her, though. Looks like she opened a #10 can of whoop-ass on him.


She’s Black and a Muslim. He’s White.

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I am very concerned about responding with insufficient violence to violent Nazis who try to strangle innocent people.


By any definition in the US those are brass/metal knuckles. In most places they are a crime to carry or even to own. They are also a cruddy weapon. If you’re going to go to jail for having an illegal weapon at least have an effective one.


Nope. Wrong. Horribly, horribly off base. Think about it for a moment and be ashamed.

This wasn’t a sporting contest. He attacked and by any reasonable standard tried to commit murder. There is no legal principle anywhere in the real world which says “He committed a crime, but he got scratched up, so there was no crime.” It’s the job of the police to apprehend and the Courts to try and punish criminals. It’s not your job or mine to beat them up instead.

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I dunno, some cocktail rings could be easily as dangerous as those.


For some, wedding rings eventually reveal themselves as having been designed for injury.


Pretty ubiquitous in the UK I would think.

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nah there’s no mental illness that causes racism. the only remedy here is to bash the fash.


Even Shaolin monks recognize that this is good advice, btw. I’ve met several.

Good for her.


If anyone ever physically attacks me, it doesn’t matter who they are or what their mental state is; ‘all bets are off,’ and I will defend myself to the best of my ability.

Mental illness is not an excuse to break the law.


Friends have bought me several. Some of them are nice pens, some of them are wacky mall ninja junk… some have multiple functions, I have one that’s a laser, a bottle opener, and a flashlight, as well as a fairly lousy pen.

But all of them are functional as kubatons, you can do yawarajutsu type stuff with them.

The one I bought I made sure was straightforward, no extra bells and whistles beyond being a pen and striking object. I played with it a bit and really liked it