Badass Space Dragon 2.0 - Round 7 - Money Talks


This part doesn’t look that bad…


Cloud mining on Fluffington? Let’s shut it down.

20 x 1b  Hull Repairs (+40HP)
2  x 40b Hull Plating (+8SH)
1  x 20b Machine That goes Bing (+2EN)
1  x 60b Gatling Cannon (+8FP)
1  x 20b Mission 1 - Cloud Busters
15b remaining

Starting Balance : b549.2

Given that I’ve been setting up the Moral Flexibility for stealth, seems like the obvious choice is to see where that Penny’s rolling to. Might be penny wise, pound foolish, but someone’s gotta do it.

b20 - Mission 2 - Follow the Money

I’m feeling pretty stealthy, but as is, detection will get me killed pretty quick, going by how much of a pasting I took from those asteroids, and 10-20% isn’t great odds, so as much as I’d like a hat, maybe I should try to avoid dying instead?

b120 - Complete Overhaul (Full HP / +10 Max HP / +2 SH)
7 * b40 - Hull Plating (4 SH) +28 SH
11 * b20 - Machine That Goes Bing (2 EN) +22 EN

give 4FP to @gwwar
receive 4ST from @gwwar

Final Balance : b9.2



Mission 2: b20

1x b120 - Complete Overhaul (Full HP / +10 Max HP / +2 SH) – b120
5x b20 - Scan Scrambler (2 ST) --b100 (+10 ST)
4x b40 - Hull Plating (4 SH) – b160 (+16 SH)


starting with b416.3000

IMB loan of b3.7000
IMB loan of b60.000

new Total: b480.0000

Mission 2: b20.0000

Complete Overhaul - b120.0000        (HP 109 | SH 34)
Scan Scrambler x11 - b220.0000       (45 ST)
Machine that Goes Bing x3 - b60.0000 (EN 40)
Gatling Cannon  - b60.000            (FP 40)

with b0.0000 remaining [dang, but the Not Worthy would have liked a Gatling Canon or more Bings to play with; but he and me also prefer to be in one peaceful piece, and stealth is the better part of discretion and thus valor on this mission]

As always, I and the good ship are open to negotiations and advice that do not involve excessive amounts of heat or a lack of smoke, or anti-Anthophila-sentiments.


If I should die before I wake up safe and sound at the completion of this mission, I will all leftover b to the community fund for semi-sound investments. If I should die with both the Penny and the Unizone rampant, I also endorse un-sound investments to bring down the predations of both.

Spare parts from the Good Ship go to those would use them; in liue of further instructions or specific requests or bequests, I leave such disbursements to the experienced “accountants” at IMB. All such spare parts are to be disbursed as gifts, with such expenses as required for paperwork, &c.

<strike<@bizmail_public et alia in the IMB BODs - would you consider a loan of b3.7, which I would in turn re-invest in 1 additional Scan Scrambler, thus increasing my Stealth Quotient, decreasing my liklihood of detection, and improving our chances of obtaining valuable information about this “Giant Penny”? MUCH OBLIGED!

I must admit to some lingering confusion as to the “Giant Penny” we are talking about.


Captain Newlireconstructed looks at the empty flask, “Now there’s something worth mourning.” He pulls out another, smaller flask, uncaps it and drinks deep.
“Nothing left to drink. Nothing left to mourn. On with it. Can’t live forever.” He puts on his Aviator Glasses and heads to the bridge, where he sits down at the comm station and starts punching in orders.

Give b100 to Community Fund (required payback plus investment) (remain b300)
b120 Complete Overhaul (taking HP to 106 and SH to 37) (remain b180)
4x b20 Scan Scrambler (brings ST to 30) (remain b100)
b20 Mission 2. (remain b80)
Give b80 to Community Fund, in case I don’t come back - If I do come back, I hope my funds will be returned.

Aboard the Cosmosword, Browf is attempting to put together a spreadsheet.

@daneel Thanks so much for the b1, I now owe you b2 – would you like to double that? I’ll hold onto your b2 for another mission and return you b4 when we complete our mission successfully. How’s that for compound interest?

We can afford one Complete Overhaul but we’d not survive the Giant Penny’s financial recourse on Mission 2. Is b120 worth it for just 10 extra HP, or should we just raise our shield strength? Oh, how I wish Falkayn were here.

We could really use a large amount of shield upgrades – anyone, including the community bank, want to lend the Cosmosword a large amount of bits to upgrade its defences? A big windfall is coming our way, baby, but only if we survive! Browf’s hankering to shell out b80 for 8 SH, along with any other upgrades a shrewd investor is willing to back in our little enterprise. We’ll take what you’re willing to sink, with up to 10% repayment terms. We want some of that b2000 bounty action!

Mission Intentions (NOT CONFIRMED):

-b120, 109 HP, +2 SH | Complete Overhaul
-b60, +8 FP | Gatling Cannon
-b20 | Mission 2 - Follow the Money (assuming we can survive approaching the dai-koin-ju)

And hey, Duck, when are you reopening the Pond?

loan request noted.

Bank Staff still recovering from Infernal Radiation Scan deadline; should be working in about 24 hours.

Yeah, no worries.

I (and everyone else, it seems) reckon on the extra HP and shields making the overhaul worth it for 2. I hope the penny doesn’t notice the flotilla that’ll be trailing it.

Don’t buy FP for Mission 2, though. Even if it’s the best deal, it won’t help ya. Better to buy anything else.

If you aren’t confident you can buff enough, how about Mission 3? Overhaul, 5 drones, you’re pretty much guaranteed to come out the other side with b1000, whatever happens. Or upgrade a bit, try 6 or 7, but then it gets a bit riskier.

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I hear ya about not buying firepower for Mission2; but what about the future? Shall we be seeing firepower on sale in these quantities, or shall it suddenly be like Billiken - heretoday, tomorrow but a empty hexagon with but the memories of a squirming grubling now wending its own way on the spacelanes and never bothering to write?

Once or twice is a tragedy; more than that and it starts to look careless.


It looks like a giant penny:

This isn’t some sort of galactic communion is it?


I’d be terrified by the size of that niece of yours, but I think I’m more terrified by the size of that thumb.


Here’s a little light music while we wait

Urgh, that’s my ex-wife:


b2 - 2x Hull Repairs (+4 HP)
b60 - 3x Scan Scrambler (+6 ST)
b20 - Machine That Goes Bing (+2 EN)

~prepared for silent running… BINGGG… darn it…~

we expect there is a significant risk, given that we have lacked funds to make significant upgrades, but no risk no hat…

b20 - Mission 2

if anyone with a mission analyzer:

believes this is foolish, feel free to let me know


b60 - 3x Scan Scrambler (+6 ST)
b20 - Machine That Goes Bing (+2 EN)
b20 - Mission 2

Natasha give orders to crew of Audacious Blip.

beginning balance = b176.8333

At Pete’s Scrapyard:

2x Hull Repairs @ b1 for +4HP
running balance = b174.8333

At Ella’s Shipping Depot:

6x Machine That Goes Bing @ b20 for +12EN
running balance = b54.8333

Mission Selection:

Mission 3 - Spare Change @ b50
ending balance = b4.8333

(( OOC: @patrace if this mission requires a declaration up front of how many drones will be attacked, Audacious Blip will go after 5 drones. ))


Does anyone remember what @patrace said about willing and salvage rights? I can’t find the comment, but seem to recall that we could will starbits and/or salvage rights to other players.

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